Where is the line between fitting and actual patterns? - page 22

Would you be so kind as to give your own interpretation of the word "gifted", so that there are no perverse interpretations of the term.

Learn to use search engines before asking questions for which there are already answers. It helps a lot in many cases. Besides, this forum and this thread are not about the intricacies of linguistics. There's just one particularly gifted comrade who tries to pass off his selves or tester's selves as reality. So arguments have been made to refute his views, including from the realm of offtopic.

P.S. In Russian language many words and word combinations have different meanings, which are antonymous in sense. The meaning of this or that word or term can be understood only within the context in which it is applied. In other words, as in trading and in Russian linguistics, do not even hope for unambiguous answers and interpretations.


Learn to use search engines before asking questions for which there are already answers. It helps a lot in many cases. Besides, this forum and this thread are not about the intricacies of linguistics. There's just one particularly gifted comrade who tries to pass off his selves or tester's selves as reality. So arguments have been made to refute his views, including from the realm of offtopic.

P.S. In the Russian language many words and word combinations have many interpretations, moreover they are often antonyms by their semantic meaning. The meaning of a word or term can only be understood within the context in which it is used. In other words, as in trading and in Russian linguistics, do not even hope for unambiguous answers and interpretations.

Thank you.

And now, if you do not mind, on my first question, please.


The word 'nerd' and its derivatives have all but disappeared from Yuri's local vocabulary. This is a huge shift - one might even say tectonic.

Well, the term has to be replaced by something now... In short, look at the context, as Svinozavr taught (and hopefully will teach)!


You seem to be off topic.

And Reshetov do not listen to about the AOC at all :) I say as a nerd with experience (senior nerd gg :) )


I always look at this thread, but things are stalled, and squabbles brewing, maybe a little bit of practical part would not hurt this thread? -I'm trying to understand the NS and the methodology of NS training, I did not like the fact that the articles in the forum have examples of teaching the NS only by OHLC historical data, are there any examples of teaching the NS by using the values of indicators? I would like to see a practical part in this topic, for example training of multilayer NS using Momentum indicator, maybe we will find out the importance of OHLC and etc. ;)



are there examples of NS training using indicator values?

Yes, there are. Learn to use the search engine and you will be happy.


Bingo. Learn to use the search engine and you'll be happy.

OK, thanks a lot.

SZS: Learn to see your interlocutor not as a victim or a sucker, but as a human being (Daniel Carnegie (c)) and you will earn yourself respect and stop provoking sneers from others ;)

Good luck!


OK, thanks a lot.

SZS: Learn to see the interlocutor not as a victim or a sucker, but as a person (Daniel Carnegie (c)) and earn yourself respect and stop making fun of others ;)

good luck!

For the very gifted, here's a historical note: Dale Carnegie was a typical loser, or as the Pindos call them, a loser, and his book is a collection of "500 Useless Tips". There is also a book called "Anti-Carnegie" (c) by E. Shostom - I advise you to read its contents.

P.S. Having studied the basics of victimology you can make sure that the victim is a way of thinking and not a preconceived notion of others. It is only after someone begins to perceive themselves as a victim that those around them perform the rite of sacrifice. Try to attack someone who does not perceive him/herself as a victim, to see if the attacker can easily become the victim. After learning how to use the search engines, look towards Aikido and Psychological Aikido.


Yes, there is. Learn to use the search engine and you'll be happy.

And what does your search answer to my question? (Consider it an attack. ;-))

What super important information (or invaluable data) do you get by going through stages 2T and 3T and 4T,
and which in no way can you get at the point of 2H with the alternative approach?

Let's see the flowchart.

Who will propose the answer? (Let's write off Reshetov to the shore.)

Or there will be no adequate answer and we will drown in flood?


For those who are particularly gifted, historical background: Dale Carnegie was a typical loser, or what the pindos call a loser, and his book is a collection of "500 useless tips".

ah, yes of course! but here's the trouble, google my query "to see in the interlocutor" spit out loser Carnegie, not Reshetov, to be a famous loser you must have at least an originality or be lucky - which is contrary to the word loser. Yuri be a bit wittier or at least do not be as banal and predictable as your NS ;)

Ok, thanks again, I won't get into flaming, I think you'll get there in 3-4 pages in this thread.


Ah, yes, of course! Trouble is, my Google query for "see in the interlocutor" spit out loser Carnegie, not Reshetov,

Igor, you're wrong))

The first and last links are particularly appealing, read on. The way, so to speak. The Tao. From and to.