[Archive!] Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass it by. Couldn't go anywhere without you - 2. - page 251


Yes, you have written in exhaustive detail, but nevertheless, I did not see a difference.

Namely, sending a request to open a lot (my variant) or a command to close part of a lot (your variant) are subject to the same risk of requotes and slippage.

And closing by OrderCloseBy() has no risk, because requotes and slippage no longer matter, because after the opening of a lot (my variant), they de facto do not exist, i.e. mutually exclude each other.

So you are a locker... :) No way...

in a 2-transaction scenario, there may not be enough funds to open a second transaction?
in a 2-transaction scenario, there may not be enough money to open a 2nd transaction, right?

When a counter trade is opened, the collateral is released.

You can check this from experience.


So you're a locker, mate... :) Nuh-uh...

Locker is not a swear word.

I use it quite often, and it's a good way of breaking a lock for me.


one operation is better for code optimisation.

I only see the point of using loco if I need to open a counter-positions


one operation is better for code optimisation.

I only see the point of using loco if I need to open a counter-position

Everyone writes code according to their view of the market.

There is no point in shortening the code if it does not ultimately meet your expectations.

which of your expectations is not met by replacing a double operation with a single operation?)
In order to avoid misunderstandings, I would ask eddy to use the word "you" as is customary in the rules of courtesy. This is a warning.
The flooding on this topic has been taken down, it's a working thread.

т.е. по другому говоря "всем пофик имеет ли это смысл, а ты должен с этим смириться и тупо делать как у всех принято"? ....
стыдиться говорить Пожалуйста и Спасибо? что за чушь :D
вежливость это набор правил, многие из которых не имеют смысл и/или противоречат более важным правилам.
и о какой теории речь? обсуждение предлагаю перенести в личку

There is another option. Take a break from the forum and read at your leisure a classic work on politeness called "AnHonest Mirror of Youth".
At the same time to remember that with moderators do not argue. One month ban.

Dear Professionals, could you advise... I'm using line construction in my indicator:

for  ( int ali.Price = ali.HGPriceMin  ; ali.Price    <= ali.HGPriceMax ; ali.Price += ali.HGPriceStep ) 
       double          ald.HGLinePrice = ali.Price                                              ; 
       string          als.HGLineName  = DoubleToStr    ( ald.HGLinePrice , Digits        ) ; 
       ObjectCreate  ( als.HGLineName  , OBJ_HLINE     , 0 , 0          , ald.HGLinePrice ) ;
       ObjectSet     ( als.HGLineName  , OBJPROP_COLOR                  , aei.HGColor  ) ; 
       ObjectSet     ( als.HGLineName  , OBJPROP_STYLE                  , aei.HGStyle ) ; 
       ObjectSet     ( als.HGLineName  , OBJPROP_BACK                   , aei.HGBackground  ) ; 
The problem is that when I switch to another timeframe the lines are drawn according to the new parameters, but the old ones are not deleted. What should I add and where should I put it so that when I move to another timeframe the old lines are not drawn? Thanks...