[Archive!] Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass it by. Couldn't go anywhere without you - 2. - page 72

Yes, but if the strategy is correct, it should, it seems to me, work on any TF, just with different parameters. Tests result on TF=5 min did not give any profitable options either.

If you follow your logic the elephant is the same mouse, but under a magnifying glass ;)))

Money only goes for more money - it's an axiom. Think about it and make the right choice! )))))


If you follow your logic, an elephant is the same as a mouse but under a magnifying glass ;)))

The analogy is wrong, because the elephant and the mouse have different physiological structures. And just the TFs roughly display a graph in a chart, like a matryoshka doll with the same laws of motion. "Smaller" graphs have the same "physiology" as "older" (bigger) graphs.

Money only goes for more money - it's an axiom. Think about it and make the right choice! )))))

Yes, only money doesn't just go by itself (it's the visible shell). A choice between what ?

the right thing to do is this:.

So I guessed right. Thought there was some other way to do it. It's a hard life for the self-taught.
Yes, it's not the money that's coming in (it's the visible shell). A choice between what ?

Don't be angry. )) Look at the figure, maybe you will find something interesting for yourself. The relationship between thechanalysis and volumes:

So I guessed right. I thought there was some other way to do it. It's a hard life for the self-taught.
You didn't guess, you did exactly the right thing. I just didn't open your file, didn't look.

Don't be angry. )) Look at the figure, maybe you will find something interesting. The relationship between thechanalysis and volumes:

It's OK, Arthur ) Thanks for the charts. Their point is that the multiplication of two graphs gives a third graph in reverse (minus the first degree). But we don't know where both first graphs will go beforehand, (x and y are unknown) and so we don't know where the third (Z) will go. Then what is the practical use of this proportion?
It's OK, Arthur ) Thanks for the charts. Their point is that multiplying two graphs gives a third graph in reverse (minus the first degree). But we don't know where both first graphs will go beforehand, (x and y are unknown) and so we don't know where the third (Z) will go. Then what is the practical use of this proportion ?

If money and volumes (and not Elliott waves) are at work in the market, and the price movement is not chaotic, but driven by volumes, then two signals on 2 pairs (out of the three considered) will give a stronger signal on the third pair. Look for order accumulation levels, analyze the VSA and you will find the required X and Y)))

In addition (see figure) a clear flat of one currency pair (formed by 2 currencies) does not prevent a trend in the third currency pair (the remaining 2 pairs). If a trend of more than 1 currency is going on, this creates a kind of "market chaos". Because intraday trends are less stable than medium- and long-term trends, this chaos is most pronounced on small TF.

Studying the market in this light, I tend to think that the trend of the currencies themselves (and not the currency pairs) is more stable, otherwise we would get an oscillator graph that cannot be analyzed at all.

That is what this picture tells me. ))))


Can you please tell me where I made a mistake?

The code should delete the pending orders according to the MAGIC parameter. It actually removes all pending orders without MAGIC.

void DeleteOtlozhMAGIC(int MAGIC)
  string SMB=Symbol();
  for (int i=OrdersTotal()-1; i>=0; i--)
    if(OrderSymbol()!=SMB || OrderMagicNumber()!=MAGIC) continue;
    if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
      if (OrderType()==OP_BUYLIMIT || OrderType()==OP_SELLLIMIT || OrderType()==OP_BUYSTOP || OrderType()==OP_SELLSTOP)

Thank you in advance.


Could you please tell me where my mistake is?

The code should delete the pending orders in accordance with the MAGIC parameter. In fact, it deletes all pending orders without taking MAGIC into account.

Thank you in advance.

void DeleteOtlozhMAGIC(int MAGIC)
  string SMB=Symbol();
  for (int i=OrdersTotal()-1; i>=0; i--) {
    if (!OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) continue;
    if(OrderSymbol()!=SMB || OrderMagicNumber()!=MAGIC) continue;
    if (OrderType()==OP_BUYLIMIT || OrderType()==OP_SELLLIMIT || OrderType()==OP_BUYSTOP || OrderType()==OP_SELLSTOP)