taking the help of the hall) - page 4


That is not the task at hand.

A genetic algorithm will not help. Approaching (minimising) a function does not mean moving in the right direction, you can stand next to it, but the input is on the other side. It can't be 'just a little bit right' here.

Would you be kind enough to give a full and unambiguous problem condition (or ask, if you would be kind enough, the topicstarter, to give the full problem conditions). I will give the solution to this problem (if there is one).

The sum of N variables, each of which can occupy a value from a given series M, equals some number K.


Any N can take a value from the series M={M1,M2,M3...}

You can also make it more difficult - find all the solutions, not just one.

The sum of N variables, each of which can occupy a value from a given series of numbers with no regularity, equals some number K.


Any N can take a value from the series M={M1,M2,M3...}

Solution of the problem:

N1=some number

N2=some number

N3=another number


What number + another number + another number = a nice sum of some numbers.

You see, I have solved the problem - in my mind!

PS this is not the condition of the problem. What kind of series? What is K?

PPS If there is a complete problem condition, I will show all solutions (as many as required by the problem condition)


Solution of the problem:

N1=some number

N2=another number

N3=another number


What number and another number and another number = a nice sum of some numbers.

You see, I have solved the problem in my head!


Congratulations! A medal for you))


Congratulations! A medal for you))

And seriously? Will there be a condition of the task or not?

PS this is not the condition of the problem. What exactly is the series? What does K equal?

PPS If there is a complete problem condition, I will show all solutions (as many as required by the problem condition)

Well you have been told: determine values of variables a,b,c...such that a+b+c+...=H. H is an arbitrary integer, set separately. The values of variables a,b,c... are limited to a set of 30 values, the set of values for each variable is different.

Also not quite sure how GA helps here. Would be happy to hear the solution.


Well you have been told: determine the values of variables a,b,c..., such that a+b+c+...=H. H is an arbitrary integer, set separately. The values of variables a,b,c... are limited to a set of 30 values, the set of values for each variable is different.

Well yeprst, yeplmn, abwgd!

Give me the problem at last. Arbitrary integer - give it to me. The values of the variables are bounded by a series of numbers - so bound and give it to me. Or should I come up with boundary conditions myself, add up numbers and calculate the sum?


Also not quite sure how GA would help here. Would love to hear the solution.

I'll explain and show you the code, as long as they give me the right conditions.

Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on!

Give me the problem at last. Arbitrary integer - give it to me. Variable values are bounded by a series of numbers - so bound and give it to me. Or should I make up the boundary conditions myself, add up the numbers and calculate the sum?

I'll explain and show you the code, as long as I'm given the right conditions.

Better in general, and everyone will enter their own digits. Let there be arrays like m={,,,,,,,}.


Better in general, and everyone will enter their numbers. Let there be arrays like m={,,,,,,,}.

OK. Think up the integers yourself and write them down on a piece of paper and don't show them to me. Count the sum of these numbers on a piece of paper and tell me the sum, and also tell me the row of numbers from which the numbers for the problem were taken.

I will find the numbers you have written down on a piece of paper.