An expert with intelligence. Concept. - page 7


I just don't want to mess with your mind )))) Other people's experiences in trading are of no value to me )))

If even the thread title is misspelled...

There are reasons for that and from yesterday until 8am this morning few people cared!


Why does the word intelligence even apply here????

it applies here to the work plan on the trade examiner... what else. There is a justified desire to put at least a pathetic semblance of "intelligence" into the Expert Advisor, and in Russian: I would like to achieve an adequate reaction of the Expert Advisor to changes in the account market and other things, generalising, these functions I have called intelligence.


There are reasons for this and from yesterday until 8am this morning nobody cared!

There is always a cause and effect relationship


Uh-huh. Should. And lead the way to the office.

I don't know. Nothing to add. Good luck, bros...


The cause and effect relationship is always present.

Come on, that's not what we were talking about...

The results of the branch are always the same and the same. The outcome of this thread is always the same... topiker deleted, curtain ....


In general, the holiday is coming up, I'll go buy gifts and stuff ... Fuck this writing... I will think next year, new year - new solutions!

Happy Holidays everyone!!!


Come on, that's not what I was talking about...

The results of the branch are always the same and the same. The outcome of the thread is the same as always... topiker deleted, curtain ....


In general, the holiday is coming up, I'll go buy gifts and stuff ... Fuck this writing... I will think next year, new year - new solutions!

Happy Holidays, everyone!

And you! (intelligence is immediately questioned)

I just don't want to mess with your mind )))) Other people's experience in trading has no value to me ))))
Smart people learn from other people's mistakes, fools from theirs, so we all learn from fools. )
Smart people learn from other people's mistakes, fools from theirs, so we all learn from fools. )
The wise learn from other people's mistakes, the clever from their own, and fools don't learn at all.

And then there are predictions like this (I'm just digging in that direction):

You draw good mash-ups, Alexey, sometimes even ahead of schedule...
You draw good mash-ups, Alexei, sometimes even ahead of the curve...
so many things look good on a story....