A real question - page 4


you gentlemen are critical, you don't consider accidents....

the rain, yes it rained in december, there was no internet...

The greed of people amazes me, as soon as I said that I will pay you back, without saying the amount, maybe it's just for a beer, just stupid flubbing started...

What's greed got to do with it? You think we want your money? Don't play dumb - we have been programming for forex for years. This is not the first time we have heard promises that are subsequently not kept. You were given details not for money, but just to get another confirmation.

There are exceptions to the rules, but they are rare. In the vast majority of cases, the customer tearfully asks to do the code, saying that there is no normal fee, but made by the tool it will raise dough and be sure to thank. You make him a code, realizing that you will not get anything, you send it to him, he makes sure that he missed and disappears. Money is never superfluous, but received on a whim, it doesn't do any good. And that is exactly the balloon you suggested. Paying for every tip is stupid to say the least. Calm down and do not give anything to anybody. It's better this way. If you want to pay for a job, you have to order a job. :)


Dear!!! If you could do it, you wouldn't be back here....

And there is no need to give me breakfast...

Phew... this makes me sick...

"It's not us, it's the harsh realities of life."
Yeah, your life is really harsh...

If you are such a smart man think about it, why should I write to you with the same nickname and ask for your help when I can create a new nickname and create a new topic with a new question)

If you do not want to respond, it's your right, we have a free country (for the time being)


I thought this was a forum where you can get an answer to a simple question, if you are such cool programmers then it's not a problem for you and I am not ordering any code from you, just asking for advice, I am 0 in programming without a stick, and the gratitude was for the fact that you answered me very quickly, whether the topic or not, but the speed of the answer surprised me very much...

and what tool to raise "money" you saw in my request I did not understand at all ...


What's greed got to do with it? You think we want your money? Don't play dumb - we have been programming for forex for years. And we are not the first to hear promises that are subsequently not met. You have not been given details for money, but just to get another confirmation.

There are exceptions to the rule, but they are rare. In the vast majority of cases, the customer tearfully asks to make the code, claiming that there is no normal payment, but with the tool made he will raise dough and be sure to thank. You make him a code, realizing that you will not get anything, you send it to him, he makes sure that he missed and disappears. Money is never superfluous, but received on a whim, it doesn't do any good. And that is exactly the balloon you suggested. Paying for every tip is stupid to say the least. Calm down and do not give anything to anybody. It's better that way. If you want to pay for a job, you have to order a job. :)


I thought this was a forum where you can get an answer to a simple question, if you are such cool programmers then it's not a problem for you and I am not ordering any code from you, just asking for advice, I have zero in programming, and the gratitude was for the fact that you answered me very quickly, whether the topic or not, but the speed of the answer surprised me very much...

I don't understand what you saw in it as a tool to raise "money" in my request ...

Dear! If you say something, you have to do it, not hide behind the veil of the internet...

Blah, blah, blah everyone knows how to talk, many very nicely....

and making excuses is the last thing you want to do... You should transfer at least $1 in silence and explain the situation.... and you keep making excuses and asking questions... this is stupid and ridiculous.

You should at least learn to respect yourself.


I'll keep my promises and you'll get your "gifts" for the New Year *ROFL*, but it didn't work with global variables either...

so AlexSTAL the question remains, how can the EA read the data that's in the square?

Z.Y. All indicators are standard, if you need a more detailed description I will give you the answer

We don't need any gifts - we don't help people here for gifts. It just so happens that every programmer has gone around the forums and just like you asked for help from those who know what's what. Later he helps others like you because he feels that he has to pay a moral debt.

Since you have a moving average of MACD readings, you don't need global level variables. You need to organize a cycle, which will have as many iterations as the moving average has periods. If the moving average period, for example, = 56, then the cycle must execute 56 iterations. You must declare an array before the cycle. In the loop, in every cell of the array, you should enter the MACD value for the corresponding candle. In other words, it goes through the values of the last X's of the candlesticks and puts the MACD values of those candlesticks into the array. After that, the arithmetic mean should be calculated. To do this, we sum up all the cells in the array and divide by their number. This is how a moving average is calculated. But this is only if the moving average is simple. If you want an exponential one, things will be more complicated - you will need a formula for this moving average. The formula is in the terminal's help. If you need a simple moving average, you will be able to make this code. In the case of other sliders, it may happen that you as a beginner may not be able to cope with such a code. Then you will have to order it and pay for it.

The MACD data is retrieved in the function iMACD(). See here - https://docs.mql4.com/ru/indicators/iMACD

I have 1 day of internet today and AlexSTAL you yourself deleted your email from my personal and I don't know your details, and drknp has already sent a "thank you" to WME this morning, the topic can probably be closed, thanks for the help...
You can dispense with the array by calculating an arithmetic average at each iteration. Then, at the end of the loop, the variable will contain the value of the moving average. I mentioned the array to make it easier for you to understand.

I have 1 day of internet today and AlexSTAL you yourself deleted your email from my personal and I don't know your details, and drknp has already sent a "thank you" to WME this morning, the topic can probably be closed, thanks for your help...

It's only deleted from my side - from yours it will hang there until YOU delete it

yada yada yada yada yada yada yada yada

I got internet for 1 day today and AlexSTAL you deleted your email from my personal account and I don't know your requisites, and I already sent a "thank you" to WME this morning, theme can probably be closed, thanks for the help...

Checked my webmoney. There's no money. That's a shame - I would have returned it immediately. That means you didn't send the money from webmoney. It's not clear where it's going to go back to.

Shut up about the money and don't worry about it anymore. If there was no internet, all you had to do when it came up was say, "Guys, don't be angry, there was no internet, it wasn't my fault, I'm keeping the salt. That's it. Full stop. No hard feelings, no hard feelings. We're all human. We all understand.

Forget about the money, just show me the code you got. Let's focus on business.