Stops - page 5


That's what I like about any forex forum, is that everyone knows everything, and how to identify trends and how to set stops, and how to distinguish bullshit from non-bullshit, but God forbid you to ask a real straight (or just a straight) as the topicstarter asked, then suddenly silence and no one, a kind of admission ticket to an adequate conversation, and there is no one to talk to :)


That's what I like about any forex forum, is that everyone knows everything, and how to identify trends and how to set stops, and how to distinguish bullshit from non-bullshit, but God forbid you to ask a real straight (or just a straight) as the topicstarter asked, then suddenly silence and no one, a kind of admission ticket to an adequate conversation, and there is no one to talk to :)

No. Everybody knows bullshit. And not bullshit is a mystery. Although sometimes it looks a lot like bullshit. And vice versa.

That's what I like about any forex forum, is that everyone knows everything, and how to identify trends and how to set stops, and how to distinguish bullshit from non-bullshit, but God forbid you to ask a real straight (or just a straight) as the topicstarter asked, then suddenly silence and no one, a kind of admission ticket to an adequate conversation, and there is no one to talk to :)

Why do you need someone else's state? What's the profit in it?
Why do you need someone else's state? What's in it for profit?

To steal the system :)

Why do you need someone else's state? What's in it for profit?

You've got to distinguish the dem-babble-heads from the normal guys, or else you'll be treated like one, as they say...

system to plunder :)

It's not nice to think badly of someone you don't know... not good... :)

It's not nice to think badly of someone you don't know... not good... :)
I think you've been praised... How much does a "normal kid" start out at?
I think you've been praised...

You think so? Well, that's different then :)


You've got to distinguish the dem-babble-heads from the normal lads, otherwise who's the wiser, as they say...

Yeah, there's the states, too. It's just that past merits/successes don't count in forensics. It's all in the past... Unless, of course, you've earned enough to retire :)

What is the price of your words is unclear ... and how much is a "normal kid" started with?

any amount.

A "normal kid" is not the size of the deposit, it's the attitude to trading.

I want to better understand the work of a trader, to learn to trade profitably, and I came here, and then you tell me that this is good, and this is bad, and what is the price of your words is unclear ...