Why the developers failed to make a proper tester - page 5


I looked at it too, and not for long either. Here's the undercurrent that was immediately apparent:

Conclusion: you have to write something serious right away on JForex. Are you ready for that?

IMHO - the conclusion is wrong. Something serious must be written in C or C++ (again, IMHO). As a consequence, the ability to link dlls is of major importance. A huge plus for JFOREX is the API.

Vladislav, have you visited their forum? A quick and cursory look at it tells us that people usually have no problems with using built-in indulgences, but there are obvious problems with custom ones. I.e. the problems are of a different level than ours...

Что-то серьезное нужно писать на С или С++ (опять ИМХО). Как следствие, основное значение имеет возможность линковки длл.

If you are talking specifically about block calculations, fine, let it be C/C++. But it can also be done with us.


Vladislav, have you visited their forum? A quick and cursory glance at it tells us that people have no problems with using inbuilt indulgences, but there are obvious problems with custom ones.... I.e. the problems are of a different level than ours...

If you are talking specifically about block calculations, fine, let it be C/C++. But it can also be done with us.

I've been to the forum. Looked at the platform. IMHO - there are benchmarks for MT5 in terms of platform functionality. Personally for me it's not very principal. And all the rest: that's what I do on MT - I don't know why, but I liked MT better. My dlls work without problems, I have enough PC power not to care about availability/absence of API - the resources are more than enough for a working MT.
If you want, you may use mt4 for jforex ! There are pitfalls, but it's possible ! But the speed of testing and optimization is dozens of times slower!

it is not possible to write in mt for jforex... as well as to convert anything from mt to java... the differences in platforms are significant... e.g. no specific f - and market info as in mt... but if you want it all can be replaced by other calculations in jforex

But you should develop it in java !

For example, the lack of specific f - and mq order's market info is one of the problems with jforex... If you want to trade simultaneously with a different tester, use mt and mt and make a Sell or Buy and Sell Stop ... but may be I just barely know the language... but my code with these positions works on a real account and the tester refuses to do them...

You should work out a certain volume limit before withdrawing it!


First, study the question, read articles from the Tester section. A trader should be able to analyse phenomena and if something goes wrong - first sort out your gaps, and only then does it make sense to make a claim.

Well, or buy the "right" profitable tester, if understanding does not work. I highly recommend reading the article Tester in MetaTrader 4: A Must-Know, which was written based on just such threads.

why re-write what you already have at hand...

just hack into mt4 and add a second traf...

and the tester needs to be reliable not profitable !!!


I was personally attracted by the JForex API, the availability of the market and the tick history database...

It can run on Eclipse or Netbeans. It is pleasant to debug.

The example on the link shows how to work with the API in real/demo and in the tester.

What a pity, the API is not visible in MT5 yet.

Not a word about ticks...



Note that for operations with amounts greater than 100K there is also FIX API.

And you can use your Java application on smartphones too...

Android just imposes its SDK.



It is better to write to Service Desk and provide all the parts required for reproduction. There is no help on the forum for such a general statement.

But keep in mind - if you do not provide a reproducible example, no one will do it.

The editor crashes at the first attempt (after start) to copy something to the buffer with Ctrl-Ins or Ctrl-C, and it happens randomly.

If I agree to just-in-time debugging in VS2010, I get a message from the studio

"Av unhandled exception occurred in MetaEditor.exe [5976]"

The debugger then gives "Unhandled exception 0x7734dc9b in MetaEditor.exe: 0xC0000374: Heap has been corrupted".

The funny thing is that if you debug further, you fall back into the editor and it often starts working without errors! That is, I always start the studio first and then the meta-editor :)

Basically, I need to take a .map file and see what's at the excerpt address.

Please advise how best to make a bug report.


As a start, study the question, read articles from the section Tester. A trader must be able to analyze the phenomena and if something goes wrong, first sort out your gaps, and only after that does it make sense to make claims.

Well, or buy the "right" profitable tester, if understanding does not work. I highly recommend reading the article Tester in MetaTrader 4: A Must-Know, which was written based on just such threads.

I didn't say the tester was bad! It is REALLY bad! everything that is done on the tester now is very professional! With a few exceptions that make it impossible to test properly ,

Just piss off!!! history!!! Gentlemen!!! I want a normal tick history by bids and asks, for perversions other methods - candles, splines, and for mega aesthetes tick modelling. But it should be possible to download the history from your current broker!!! Where I trade, that's where I'm testing! And what they are now passing off as a tester - an excuse, an unfinished product, like you use as is(As Is) at your own risk... This is not okay, people invest money in this business!

I've been to the forum. Looked at the platform.

Do you think that C++ is more reliable or productive than Java?

Or are we evaluating MT "languages"?



ChachaGames: и

AsIs at your own risk... it is not ok, people invest money in this business!!!

it's a fact!


if you do not like the risks...
