Mr Trader, how much money do you need to be happy? - page 18


And opening a deposit of more than a few thousand dollars is very risky.

Parlament, you don't have to open from a few thousand dollars

That's what leverage is for.


Parlament, you don't have to open from a few thousand dollars

That's what leverage is for.

You got me wrong, if a person earns up to 100% to the depu for 12 months, then with an account of 500-1000 dolars there is no point in trading even with 1.100 leverage, because it comes out somewhere between 1200-2520 rubles per month. It is ridiculous to sit behind the monitor all the time for 2500 a month, it is easier to find a better-paid job. If you put not 1000, but 5000 with the same 1.100 the risk is big from the standpoint of the trading process, and from the standpoint of brokerage companies, they do not like to give away too much money. Increasing the leverage will not correct the picture, but rather will worsen it, because the risk will be even higher!

You got me wrong, if one earns up to 100% for 12 months, when you have an account with 500-1000 dolars there is no point in trading even with 1.100 leverage because it comes out somewhere between 1200-2520 rubles per month. It is ridiculous to sit behind the monitor all the time for 2500 a month, it is easier to find a better-paid job. If you put not 1000, but 5000 with the same 1.100 the risk is big from the standpoint of the trading process, and from the standpoint of brokerage companies, they do not like to give away too much money. Increasing the leverage will not correct the picture, but rather will worsen it, because the risk will be even higher!

1. why sit at the monitor all the time? Work at work in peace. You can spare 15 minutes a day for forex.

2 Open a PAMM, now it costs only 300 quid, show results, and you get some money.

You don't have to worry about money. 3) Don't mess with dumpy brokerage companies and you won't have any problems with withdrawal.


1. why sit at the monitor all the time? Work at work in peace. You can spare 15 minutes a day for forex.

2 Open a PAMM, now it costs only 300 quid, show results, and you get some money.

3) Do not mess with trash brokerage companies and you won't have any problems with the withdrawal.

Epigraph: "Give me a fulcrum and I will turn the Earth upside down" Archimedes (on the theme of the lever)

= Give me a currency pair, start and end time of buying or selling, guaranteed movement of at least 50p - and I'll scoop ALL market...

PS: "If you knew the money, you'd live in Sochi" preference, rule


You got me wrong, if a man earns up to 100% to depu for 12 months, then with an account of 500-1000 dollars there is no point in trading even with a leverage of 1.100 because it comes out where 1200-2520 rubles per month. It is ridiculous to sit behind the monitor all the time for 2500 a month, it is easier to find a better-paid job. If you put not 1000, but 5000 with the same 1.100 the risk is big from the standpoint of the trading process, and from the standpoint of brokerage companies, they do not like to give away too much money. Increasing the leverage will not correct the picture, but rather will worsen it, because the risk will be even higher!

In my humble opinion, it's not about the money (100% to dept in 12 months):

- how many points of Dep on this leverage?

- How many lots on this leverage allows the opening? A deposit?

EXAMPLE: Deposit=200 pips= ~7...10 lots

if (IF !!!) correctly-carefully performed fund+technical analysis (+FAR), then I take 200 ... 300 pips overnight (online, staring into the monitor) in a relatively calm market, market volatility 50 ... ......80 pips, open orders by trend, etc., etc., "DESPITE" to comply with the maximum recommendations (and not by one "jump", but up to 10-20 orders, taking into account both profitable and unprofitable)...

But more often (despite fund + technical analysis available to my understanding) there is no FART (-) and ALL "hard-earned income" is slowly drained (next GEP, news, wrong entry into the market - "catch-up", etc. - gather "losses" or lose positive profit on open orders)


- Constantly studying the theory + practice successful traders + to fill up a hand in continuous trade with the goal to achieve STABILITY in the constant growth of profits (and then work to maximize profits while maintaining SUSTAINABLE stability growth), ie to work on their trading tactics-strategy

PS: but the money - the money will be (the MAIN number of points taken STABILY per unit time: day, week, month, year) ;

- Either you will be taken care of and "managed";

- or you accumulate them yourself, e.g. doubling your Dept per unit time: day, week, month, year (1-2-4-8-16-32-64-128-128-256-512-1024-...)

HOW MUCH doubling do I need to do in order to collect from 1 (10, 100) USD to Real???

...That's the theory, and the practice is BORING, SOARING, and BAD....

the hardest thing is to make yourself



HOW MUCH doubling do you need to do in order to raise 1 (10, 100) USD for Real???
... that's the theory, and the practice is BORING, SOARING and BAD...
the hardest thing is to force yourself

It's on the demo that the hardest part is getting yourself to practice trading.

On the real is pure psychology! The hardest thing on the real is not to allow yourself to relax. Once you've earned an N-thousandth of an amount of money, you have to stop. You must have a plan of what you are going to do with this sum next. If you continue to trade without a specific goal, then you'll 100-perfectly decide that you are a genius and that nothing matters to you. From this point the destructive process begins, you stop learning and adequately perceive the market, you have a great opportunity to plummet in a week or two all that you have earned over the past year, or even to fall into deficit. That's how it is with real-time trading:


Trading with and without analysis of closed positions. (could have created a separate topic, I'm just a bit lazy).

A. Elder has an interesting way of finding out if a patient is an alcoholic. He asks the patient to write down every time he has had a drink, what he did at the time, etc. In a word - keep a diary. If the patient refuses or asks "why?", then he is an alcoholic. Well, if he doesn't, then he probably isn't. The same is true for traders. If you don't want to keep a diary of your trades, then you are probably into trading for the sake of trading. You are a loser. Sorry to be so blunt, but someone has to tell you this.

Four times breaking my previous record for profits, I thought I was a genius and ended up losing everything. How wrong I was, stepping on the same rake four times, I still do not understand why it happens. Can someone explain to me clearly how to deal with arrogance (when you think you're a genius)? My version: Take a piece of history in the terminal and F12 key on one candle and watch as your strategy no shit works and your self-confidence disappears instantly, as if it was not, now you adequately perceive the market, which means you now have a chance to earn a lot more!


It's on the demo that the hardest part is getting yourself to practice trading...

...That's how real is, harsh and ruthless, especially to amateurs, I won't point fingers.

I TOTALLY agree with you!!!

Therefore, I "chew" myself constantly, forcing myself NOT to violate the trading plan, trading strategy-tactics, which is NOT ALWAYS possible (hence, most of the losses)...

1. extreme discipline;

2. an analysis of the causes of losses;

3. an analysis of the causes of profits (often FART);

4. !!! RIGHT entry into the market;

5. ... etc. etc. ...

PS: I may be repeating myself, but for me it's not important. amount but to STABILIZE and SUSTAINLY take items (with the minimization of losses - one-time big or frequent small ones). If you have reached - go to the Real, but for now micro cents (with 1 USD until you make 100 USD - then kinda ready ...)

Especially to amateurs, I won't point any fingers. <br / translate="no">
This piece was not censored, I cut it out, don't mind and don't take it personally, take care of your nerves, you'll need them yet.
This piece was not censored, I cut it out, don't pay attention and don't take it personally, take care of your nerves, you will need them.

Thank you so much for your attention!

Any criticism is ACCEPTABLE! I've got a lot of flaws of my own (I'm a sinner), there's enough for half of Australia...

PS: Can you tell which of the forum participants involved in the creation of scripts-indicators and contact with neophytes;

I want to improve (or create a new update on its basis) ind.Muving89(Moving Average) - I use manual "improvements" on forex charts.It is very good when defining support-resistance lines (70% of charts break or rebound or reversal), what helps with s/l and t/p, and when deciding on open orders (area) - especially on pairs like AUDUSD, NZDUSD, USDCAD where there is little analytical technique (and on STANDARD ones it helps too).

Sincerely, Sergey


Svinozavr man has explained that he works with councillors, so the computer works round the clock! My neighbour is constantly on distribution in the filesharing sites he also has a computer running non-stop around the clock so he often changes the cooler, power supply, CPU because they get burned because of so much time work. As a way out can only offer to rent a dedicated server!

The neighbour is changing the "iron" for a reason:

1. He doesn't take care of his computer (dusty: cooler, CPU heatsink, screw, PSU, etc.);

2. When distributing(especially when EXTREMELY downloading from you), your PC loaded to 80-100%(experimented in the office: I start to pump 1PK = 30 ... 50% zagr. Prots distributing machines; connect to the download from the same machine 2PK +3PK = 90% loaded prots distributing, if at this time it is working on 1C or other resource-intensive progah {passesscanning antivirus or search for a file or watching video}- it hangs). Moderately loaded CPU when filling the file sharing, but when working with torrent, Shareza, E-Mule, etc. (ie, your intensive distribution!!!) - CPU loaded as in the office, the machine can just "lie" (why, in these progah settings and is limited speed distribution!!!). Burn the CPU is quite difficult (especially Celeron - built-in protection, when it reaches max. temperature, it just shuts down).

At offices servakki pashut without shutting down for months. and at loads "mama no gory"; my "home workhorse" post. pashut at video-captures (up to 60-80% load CPU - is not turned off sometimes a week) and conversions (to 100% CPU - hours, but often and MANY) - since 2006. and will not go one year ... (constant control of CPU temperature, when it reaches 60 deg. Celsius at peak loads - Urgent cleaning of CPU radiator + sometimes replacing thermal paste; + once in half a year to clean screws and remove dust everywhere). After these Procedures temperature drops by 20-30 degrees Celsius.

!!! + periodic (once every 3 months) defragmentation of the hard drive; + registry cleaning (once per week/month) and defragmentation (once per 3 months); + a FULL scan by Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware (once per month); +... etc.

Why this: Yes, the terminal (even several at once) no way will not load the CPU, even at 50% (by the way Metatrade has always been portable, ie. by the way, MetaTrader can work from flash drive or from any other machine - just save your Templates and Profiles = copy his folder from ProgramFile - "grab what you like", i.e. router, home network and from several (even weak) machines in FULL RUN...)


a) don't hesitate to use Proven and TESTED Expert Advisors, turn on trailing stops (works BUT when the terminal is turned on) - a stationary computer will NOT work and will NOT burn out(IF you follow point 1. {trace/clean} and 2 {turn offALL AUTOloads of antiviruses and Windows updates, autoscan antiviruses, throw out of AUTO-start at startup PC ALL that can be done without at work Terminal=MetaTrade: ! LEAVE the firewall + antivirus in LAST mode - SAFETY!!! MONEY!!!}) + uninterruptible power supply (OUR power grids are the most HOPEFUL in the world)

Faster to burn out 5 laptops than 1 desktop PC (what kind of cooling do laptops have? who and when did they clean THEM?).

b) ALWAYS consult computer professionals before you make conclusions burns down / will not burn down (even the guys your service - took a beer, coffee, and visit ...), they are guys friendly, will wisely chachaego load - separate the seeds from the chaff ...