Ambitious ideas !!! - page 8


That's right. Beginners do not need it, but in real trading it is a necessary thing.

So they would have left MT4 for beginners, it has a simple language for learning, and MT5 is for experienced pros. :-)


Pumping history from the MQ database is easy, especially as there is a ready-made example: -

p.s. If I understand the problem correctly...

I have seen this example, as well as this one:, the problem is in the synchronisation of data in the multi-currency indicator itself - because if the data is not loaded for which instrument, then the calculation of indicator values makes no sense

I agree - all these problems can be solved, it's only a matter of time

and just download all available history from the metaquote or alpari server can be done like this:


Например в C# в принципе не возможно написать даже самую маленькую программу без использования ООП. Думаете разработчики этого языка недальновидные болваны?

Microsoft developers themselves hardly use this C#, they write in C, C++.

Microsoft developers themselves hardly use this C#, they write in C, C++.

They do. It's just that C# is not C++, they are different languages with different properties and different scope of applicability.

C# is an application programming language, not a system language.

The subjectivity of the receiver means that it can interpret the input information arbitrarily, according to its algorithm. In this case, the input objective information is transformed by the receiver into subjective information. Context and everything else has nothing to do with it.
The device-receiver cannot interpret any information. It does not exist until it enters our consciousness. Before that, there is a signal, but what it carries depends on both source and receiver. At what point does a radio transmission, for example, become information? At the moment of radio transmission? No. At the moment of reception? no. At the moment the radio receiver outputs an audio signal? also no! When the sound is processed by the hearing organ? again, no! Information appears only when our consciousness (precisely so, not our brain or any of its sections) has compared the signal with the available experience and determined for itself the value of this signal. And this information will also depend on the knowledge of which source it comes from. So both sides are subjective.

C# is an application programming language, not a system language.

Windows, Visual Studio, Microsoft Office are written in C,C++... This is already a telling point...

C++ is actually an object-oriented programming language. Object-oriented programming started to be introduced en masse in the late 80's, if memory serves me correctly. Since the transition to OOP, not many qualitative innovations in programming have been introduced. The transition to OOP itself allowed us to create many modern software products which wouldn't exist now without OOP.

Proving to everyone that the OOP is something wrong or unnecessary is just plain stupid.

At the moment in the MT5 tester, there is one insurmountable (at least for now) obstacle that may give up on it (for some users), it is the impossibility to use own (third party) history for testing/optimization.

I haven't seen a single post yet where the developers at least hinted that it will be possible to work with their prepared story. And maybe it's for the best, the tests done with you, should match other people's as well. There will be less arguments and so on. Although I am not a supporter of this, because for me the quote history is the foundation of any strategy.


SZS: thanks to the topicstarter for understanding - it's too much trouble for us in his topic :), with the implementation of their own multicurrency tester in MT4, no particular problems - decent examples are on the forum, but as a fully functional tester will not work, and seek to create their own tester - wasted time - with the same success you may analyze multicurrency trading in the same Exel

The main thing is not to talk mate, but it was very interesting and informative to read.

The idea that has been haunting us for 2 years for 4, of course, has been killed, but a new and hopefully more interesting one has been born.


Does anyone know where I can get Russian documentation on CUDA and Intel Parallel Studio 2011?

I have very ambitious plans! :)