Who are the Greeters - page 4

like this maybe? a+b=a/b or vice versa... :)
Give me a hint or two about how to do it.
Even if you filter by arithmetic (or even algebra!), it is only impossible if there is no spread... and it's exactly the opposite - unavoidable!!!

the screen is from 2000 to 2010.

If you filter it with Mathematics, it's impossible to drain the depo - unless you drain it yourself).

I made a test version of a netting avalanche,

Is this how you "filter maths"?

Can you even interpret the results of this "filtering" adequately? This is a martin with adjusted parameters over a 10 year period. The profit for 10 years is 10% with a deposit drawdown of about 25-30%. You will get such a %% return on a ruble bank deposit for a year and a half without any risk or drawdown.


which Strategy to pursue - so that it is not a Grider ?
Switch to net accounting. =)
I too wonder how it is so mathematically filtered.

You can filter by News - signals to enter to make a profit,
but this is so-so I have not studied this theory yet and I think I will not
study it, as I do not see the accuracy.

You can filter with Indicators - signals for profit entry,
but it is not practical at least because of geometric and artistic
illusion. In my opinion.

Here Mathematics is an exact science which will never deceive.
I trust Mathematics and only Mathematics when it comes to trading on
investment market or forex.

When testing, my first priority is not to look at the chart plot or
chart-return, but to track the first losing order
in the account history and examine in detail why it caused a loss - and
look for the right solution.

I used to analyze only using Indicators, but after a series of losses
I've been long and hard searching for a perfect strategy, following the logical chain of my
mental and conscious efforts, I finally reached the Avalanche Principle. And then I realized
that only the scale of numbers is needed, everything else is tinsel.
And on the Scale of Numbers - the price can only go in two directions.And it is
very simple.But this price is in fact as bewitched or alive.
even having only two directions - I got lost in 3 pines, like in some
endless desert.
The only thing you can do - is either Profit increase by the value
loss, or the volume. But the increase in profits to infinity lead
to plummeting depot. And the volumes can be increased to infinity - as long as
allows DC rules. So volume = 100 I saw, but the volume = 1000
or more I have not seen.The price cannot endlessly hover in the corridor and
sooner or later will go in one of 2 directions. It is only a question of time and
initial securities 100 - 200 - 1000 - 1000 000 losing orders are not terrible, if
Depo allows and volumes permitted by brokerage company. And all - with the first withdrawal of the price from
corridor - the deposit will grow on the value of profit and the terrible losses will disappear.

What else perfect mathematics can be applied to solve the mystery of forex?
The only thing I don't understand is high C++ programming. But exactly
in C++ I think you can find the only right answer to creation
stable profitable strategy. And I know exactly that the only right answer
is either in C++ or in Mathematical deductions. Most likely in both
and in one hand washes the hand. C++ + Math = Grail.))
My attention is now riveted on Neural Networks - can't quite
comprehend this Discovery yet.There aren't any more new Discoveries, are there ?
Avalanche - Griders - Netting - the only Aces among the rest of the strategy crowd.
Neuro Netting is the Question so far.
Very interesting what new Ace will appear in the light of Forex strategies.When - Where - From
and in what time will this Poker appear ?


And by the logical chain of my mental and conscious effort - I have reached the Avalanche principle.

When the creator of chess (according to some sources - an ancient Indian mathematician, according to others - a legendary Dravidian velalar named Sessa or Sissa), showed his invention to the ruler of the country, he liked the game so much, that he let the inventor choose the reward himself. The wise man asked the king to pay him one grain of wheat (or rice, according to another version) for the first square of the chessboard, two for the second, four for the third, and so on, doubling the number of grains on each successive square.

The ruler, who was not an expert in mathematics, quickly agreed, even taking offense at such a low estimate of the invention, and ordered the treasurer to count and give the exact amount of grains to the inventor. However, when the treasurer was still unable to calculate the amount of cereals needed a week later, the governor asked what the reason for the delay was. The treasurer showed him the calculations and told him that it was impossible to pay. The ruler, in order to get revenge on the inventor who had tried to cheat him, ordered the latter to count every grain, so that there would be no doubt that he had paid him fairly.

The amount of grain is about 80 times the amount harvested in a single season from modern fields, provided all the arable land of the planet is sown with wheat.

There aren't any more new Discoveries, are there ?
Avalanche - Griders - Netting - The only Aces among the rest of the strategy crowd.
Neuro Netting is the Question so far.
Very interesting which new Ace will appear in the light of Forex strategies.When - Where - From where
and in what time will this Poker appear ?

You're wrong - for example, there's also "spectral analysis".

As for neural networks and its ("spectral analysis") in passing - here is the datasheet in the attached file, by someone already on this forum

posted by someone already in this forum, deserves attention by its basic principles...

dissert065.rar  1136 kb
like this maybe? a+b=a/b or vice versa... :)
2 alex12 - this is the formula behind the New Poker... not even poker but Joker.... dig there...

Is this how you have to "Mathematically filter"?

Can you even interpret the results of this "filtering" adequately? This is a martin with adjusted parameters over a 10 year period. Profit for 10 years is 10% with a deposit drawdown of about 25-30%. Such %% of profit you will get on a ruble bank deposit for a year and a half without any risks and drawdown.

Do you have a better one?

You're wrong - for example, there's also "spectral analysis".

As for neural networks and its ("spectral analysis") in passing - here is the datasheet in the attached file, by someone already on this forum

posted by someone already on this forum, deserves attention by its basic principles...

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