A question about discreteness (just don't hit the table too hard for being off-topic)


I recently read in a thread here that there is discretion in forex too - "like everywhere else in this world".

I don't care about forex. Not having a maths background, it's hard for me to appreciate the case. But I don't understand discreteness in the physical sense - if there is a connection between discrete components, roughly speaking corpuscles (quarks or whatever else they come up with, leptons) - what does it physically manifest itself in? How does it spread? By corpuscles as well? But how does one corpuscle know about the other? How do they interact? Is the field also discrete? But then how are the discrete components connected?


Sorry. Not on the table. It's on the monitor. :-P

To my knowledge, by discreteness you mean that the stream of quotes when converted
into candlesticks, loses information. It may also be influenced by the fact that quotes are filtered by DCs.
Instead of a smooth price curve we obtain cut points, and then candlesticks,
i.e. the internal content is sequentially lost in both cases.


There are many natural numbers, for example

1 2 3

So you're asking, "What's the number between one and two?"

and there isn't one.

Well... you could go on to fantasize... enter real numbers...

Well, in the forex market...

there's some number of people sitting there. It's not just discrete, but of course.

between them some number of wires or even communication by voice... you can imagine a continuous ether that connects them.

these people sometimes make transactions. There's no continuity here... they sit and sit - they get a knock on the head - they buy a million dollars at once and sit and sit again.

how are the discrete components of individual sales linked? well... probably by some kind of "continuous" electrical processes in the brain.


Comrades! I said straight out, I don't give a damn about forex. I have a general question - how can a discrete system function? Composed of particles, each of which can be taken as a separate unit.

And if they are not separate, what unites them?


Do you need it? The less you know, the better you sleep.

It's old stuff: Leningrad, summer.

A sweaty Georgian with a bag rushes along Nevsky.

The second counts a bundle of money.

We meet.

Daragoy, it is so good that I met you. I have done everything, bought everything, it is three hours before my flight.

I really want to see the Winter Palace.

After a quick question, the other one put his finger in the packet:

What Winter Palace? It's summertime. You do business, business.

Rude, of course, but there are simpler things to do.


What is destiny?

Saturday, lyrics.

Thanks for the tip. So what connects the two Georgians on Nevsky?
Thanks for the tip. So what connects the two Georgians on Nevsky?

Nationality, knowledge of the language, category of people.

What's the next step out of this?


Nationality, knowledge of language, category of "people".

So what's next from that?

So describe any of these states discretely.

Georgianness is discrete? A Georgian with a mother in Russia, a father from Ukraine and a Georgian mother tongue, who considers himself Malay - what is he? Where is the discrete yedinitisa?


I am not positioning myself as a contributor to the topic.

Rather a pesimist on the subject.

Judging by the last few questions, you yourself are an opponent of the concept.

Then it's a flood.


I am not positioning myself as a contributor to the topic.

Rather a pesimist on the subject.

Judging by the last few questions, you yourself are an opponent of the concept.

Then it's floodood.

There you go, too, the verdict is a flood.

About the fact that the earth is round, too, at one time would have been said - floodood.

I asked a simple question - if there is discreteness, what connects this world together? Why does it work? By what connections?

And where's the flood in that?

The only answer I see is that discreteness doesn't explain this physical world, it just gives you the ability to calculate something with some kind of approximation.

But then science is a purely practical thing and has nothing to do with knowledge of the world. Ptolemaic schemes are also quite good at calculating the motions of celestial bodies. Are they science?