Is it possible to create your own tool with a generated random price wander chart consisting of minute bars on the MT4 chart? - page 6

You don't need them there.
has anyone collected statistics from the SB chart? are there any limits to any values over a long interval?

кто-нибудь собирал статистику с графика СБ? есть какие-нибудь пределы каких-нибудь значений на длительном интервале?

Real prices(one, two) VS Random prices( random pricefunction )


Real prices(one, two) VS Random prices( random pricefunction )

Why don't you go any further from theoretical research? I dare to advise you to define for yourself a clear algorithm for the practical use of the result obtained, and, finally, to compile a % probability of an unfavourable event for your money.
Why don't you move on from theoretical research?
I am, just one.
Coming, just one.

It's the same as always, when the results come in, they'll put a wreath on your head and carry you in their arms:)
A year flew by.
And before you know it, another 365 days were added to the quotation history. (


- so is there a ready-made script that generates quotes with given parameters?
You can mql5, what's the difference...
For example, let's take one year or five years of the existing history of a real instrument and get 20-100 years synthesized in the output,
but with the characteristics of the range fed to the input.


Is it possible?

No, impossible. Because randomness does not exist in nature. Pseudo-accidental is not accidental. Randomness is delusion, Maya (illusion), fundamental ignorance, not Light, Anti-Mystical Power, failure to see the true state of affairs, etc., etc.

Our consciousness is imperfect and prone to fall into delusion, so be vigilant not to succumb to the illusions of Maya-reality.


I'll answer here: it's the grass of life, and "randomness" is the grass of death.

There is no point in substituting one pattern for another, just because they look similar.


No, impossible. Because randomness does not exist in nature. Pseudo-accidental is not accidental. Randomness is delusion, Maya (illusion), fundamental ignorance, not Light, Anti-Mystical Power, failure to see the true state of affairs, etc., etc.

Our consciousness is imperfect and prone to fall into delusion, so be vigilant not to succumb to the illusions of Maya-reality.

Where did you get the weed? It's good!
A year flew by.
And before you know it, another 365 days were added to the quotation history. (
.......... ........

On topic:

- so is there a ready-made script that generates quotes with specified parameters?
You can use mql5, what's the difference...
For example, let's take one year or five years of the existing history of a real instrument and get 20-100 years synthesized in the output,
but with the characteristics of the range fed to the input.

Well firstly only 272 days or so have been added, because weekends don't count, although judging by some of the posts some Friday nights go on like crazy.

Re the sabbath:

Ready-made script is unlikely to be found. It's better to do it with more specialized packages like MatLab. You won't be able to generate a sequence identical to a natural one (after all, the market isn't a random number generator), but you can get a series with identical basic statistics such as variance and non-normal distributions. In econometrics, special models such as ARCH, GARCH, etc. are used for this purpose. In Matlab, for example, there is a special toolbox Garch modeling or something like that, it receives basic statistics as input and random returns as output, which are then converted into a price series of increments. If a better approximation to reality is needed, it is better to discard the primitive volatility models they use and use the volatility of real instruments instead. But what is the point of all this? It doesn't make any money.