Is there a need for a T.A.? - page 3

Why are you so furious at these indicators? No one is arguing that price is paramount. As for the indicators, they are used to characterize the situation and make decisions or for other calculations.

+1 Another global conspiracy. Indicators are late thereby exposing the trader's deposit to a 100% loss :))

As for the post of the topicstarter, I have not read too many books, but in general I would say that you just do not have enough experience and you jump to conclusions.

Your 3 years of experience is not an indicator. You can spend 30 years drilling on this topic and say indicators suck and so on. I don't know how to do that, but I am sure it will be a success.

Conclusions. Maybe you are just depressed after you sink again, it happens. Just be patient.


+1 Another global conspiracy. Indicators are late thereby exposing the trader's deposit to a 100% loss :))

As for the blogger's post, I have not read too many books, but in general I would say that you just do not have enough experience and jump to conclusions.

But maybe not hasty? Maybe it's not his vocation. I was hoping to make a quick buck and a lot of money, but no grandma. Behold, there is a non-stationarity and miracles do not happen outside the optimizer.

But indicators show precisely enough everything that is built into their algorithm. The speedometer shows what speed it is now, not what it will be around the next corner. And that's good enough.

As they say: Don't blame the mirror when you're wrong (from Kozma Prutkov).



What can I say.

You wanted a man to tell you how to make money on courses all the time.

Alas, there is no such guy, or rather there is, but they will not tell you the secret. There are only pseudo uncles who teach you on the courses.

Folk wisdom: If you want something done well, do it yourself.

Everything is not so bad, "come down to earth", practice, read the literature carefully again and again, and if it does not help then again and so on until "it comes to this.

Maybe you should try Woody's method. It's a pretty good description.



What can I say.

You wanted a man to tell you how to make money on courses all the time.

Alas, there is no such guy, or rather there is, but they will not tell you the secret. There are only pseudo uncles who teach you on the courses.

Folk wisdom: If you want something done well, do it yourself.

Everything is not so bad, "come down to earth", practice, read the literature carefully again and again, and if it does not help then again and so on until it "comes to this.

Why don't you try Woody's method? It's pretty well described.

Ehhh... No, I don't want to be told how to make money on courses. I can do it myself. Here's the thing: If you make a million quid in one year, the next year you're going to sell it.

If you take it, and start from scratch, will you be able to repeat the achievement from the initial deposit? To open occasionally on solid signals and have 10 grand in green at the end of the year

If you have it as a supplement to your real job, that's good! But it's not a living! All the game comes down to one thing, when the market gives you money, you make a profit. I have seen it more than once when many players (discussed on the forum) opened one and the same way according to their strategies, and they caught stops together, except for those who opened another way out of the blue.


... and catching stops together, except for those who open the other way out of the blue....

When most caught stops, someone made a profit! that's a fact. ("To gain somewhere, you have to lose somewhere" is ancient wisdom).


I respect your point of view.

If you are not good at trading forex, commodities, etc. and it affects your family budget or your health, you should give it up and not torture yourself or others.


TA is a waste of time! price movements take into account all the information. The price of an asset at time t takes into account all information available to the market at time t but does not take into account information which will only be available to the market at time t+1. And it is this unknown information which will determine the price of the asset at time t+1. Studying the price at time t and based on it alone it is impossible to make any assumptions!

2Price movements are subject to trends. Prices do not change randomly, but follow trends. It follows that it is necessary to study the causes which give rise to these trends/trends, but it does not mean that the price itself causes the price and that the price is not just randomly changing....... A random variable itself generates a random variable and therefore it is necessary to study the random variable itself and nothing else to predict it?

3.History repeats itself. Prrrrrrect! History evolves in a spiral, everything comes back to disappear again and resurrect like the Phoenix in flames. Ugh! This is ridiculous. Who came up with these axioms? The price of eurusd was 1.35, it went back to 1.35 some time later and so what? And what was the trajectory it took and how much time did it spend?

Fuck the whole thing!



I respect your point of view.

If you can't trade forex, commodities, etc. and it affects your family budget or your health, you'd better give it up, don't torture yourself and those around you.

And what does mean tobe able to trade on forex?

Know how to open trades that always lead to profit? That is a bluff. Miracles do not happen, unless you can foresee the future, or use insider information. And then TA has nothing to do with it (mind the name of the topic).

Or, to follow trading principle with positive probability of profit, i.e. to suffer drawdowns and losses as well... But there you cannot make much profit with a small deposit without big risks or inside risks. Just a little, just a little... And with a big deposit available, forex is not the most popular kind of business. Oligarchs playing forex? Soros? Oligarchs don't play T.A., oligarchs don't play T.A., they have their own currency market. Oligarchs don't play on TA.

So here's the gist of the question - how do you learn anything here?

I understand, there's a guide how to program in MQL, an English textbook, a workshop Photoshop, a guitar self-learner... You read these books, study, practice - and you can actually do some, at least simple things.

Regardless of your vocation! Beyond your basic abilities. Yes, not everyone becomes a pianist like Richter, but anyone can play a simple and sweet waltz for themselves and their family!

It's something that can really be learned. This is a system of knowledge and skills that you can really master and put into practice. And then you can clearly say "I can do this and that". Or "I am not able to do this exactly", and in most cases, it is just the lack of physical practice to master specific, certain skills.

What exactly do you need to be able to do in forex? Have you seen any self-study on how to earn on Forex, not the fiction written by retired traders, but a real system of knowledge, skills and actions to make profit on Forex? Specific, certain actions to be performed in order to make a profit as a result of a trade or a certain series of trades? You will not find that. So what kind of learning and skill are we talking about here?

And that is what makes forex a game, not a livelihood. Because there is no stable support, no safety rope, because having suffered a loss there is no clear, guaranteed system to at least partly, but surely, compensate in a reasonable time.

What gives you confidence that tomorrow, or next month, after increasing a lot, you will not lose all your previous profit on another trade, and you will start over again? It happens all the time.

First, the system "works" and a person declares "I do it", and this happens even 15 times in a row. Then the system fails once(!) , and all profits go to hell.

I am well aware that, having poured $2 thousand, for some time I may well have deposited 15-20% per month, and it seems to be quite good, I can even modestly live on it ... BUT! I am well aware that one day, something will go wrong, and I will have to "work" not on profit, but on the restoration of the deposit, and it would be good if it was successful, and if not? There are no guarantees, no clear system, and I can encounter a "drawdown phase" in any system.

Not everything is in the system, moreover, you need intuition? Wait a minute, I'll bring you a tambourine...

You say it takes a lot of experience? Experience in what? There is the experience of driving a car (a clear system of skills), the experience of language practice (h.s.n), the experience of building cottages (h.s.n)...

And there is another kind of experience, the experience of married life for example - this is no longer the kind of experience that brings clear skills and perceptions. It is the practice of questions and answers and unanswered questions. What does such an experience teach? - There is a wonderful aphorism:

What is life experience? It is the knowledge of how to act in situations that will never happen again....

Ring any bells?))

So what does it mean to know how to trade forex?

Are you willing to claim that there is actually a stable, profitable system based on TA?


So the crux of the matter is how can you learn anything here?

The ability to learn on one's own, to solve problems set for oneself, to find something new, is usually an innate trait. If you don't feel it in yourself, you don't have it.

"How to learn" should be asked at the beginning, not at the end of the road, when you are ready for the "last fart".

There are about six and a half billion people in the world who live without this ability.



Are you ready to claim that there really is a stable, profitable system based on TA?

Are you prepared to claim otherwise?

At the blackboard, with chalk and a pointer?