I very easily learned mql4 and started creating great experts now the championships are here and they only accept mql5 experts which is a billion times harder to learn than mql4. And almost the entire code i wrote for my mql4 EA is errortic in mql5. At this page line 2 you say "language is maximally compatible with the previous-generation language" while this is a very big lie. Was it really necessary to shift to an entirely new language rather than debug mql4 because all i noticed with mql5 is that some functions that would take just a line of code in mql4 now take an entire paragraph in mql5 now i dont know where to start.
Documentation on MQL5: Moving from MQL4
Moving from MQL4 - Documentation on MQL5
The phrase "maximally compatible" doesn't mean "fully compatible". We have never said that MQL5 is the same language. It's written in the same sentence "there are still some differences between these languages".

I very easily learned mql4 and started creating great experts now the championships are here and they only accept mql5 experts which is a billion times harder to learn than mql4. And almost the entire code i wrote for my mql4 EA is errortic in mql5. At this page line 2 you say "language is maximally compatible with the previous-generation language" while this is a very big lie. Was it really necessary to shift to an entirely new language rather than debug mql4 because all i noticed with mql5 is that some functions that would take just a line of code in mql4 now take an entire paragraph in mql5 now i dont know where to start.

I agree...

MQL4 is sooo easy comparable with mql5.

Like open[] and others things.

Why write an entire paragraph in Mql5 to do the same thing in "one" word in Mql4?

Using indicators is harder too...

Many buffers to do simple things in Mql4.

Why complicate simple tihngs?


Many buffers to do simple things in Mql4.

Why complicate simple tihngs?

Because simple language is good for simple things. Complex things are often difficult to implement in a reasonable manner in MQL4, while MQL5 shows its potential in such situations.

I have previously programmed in MQL4 and I would never switch back from MQL5, mainly due to the Object-Oriented Programming. 


Because simple language is good for simple things. Complex things are often difficult to implement in a reasonable manner in MQL4, while MQL5 shows its potential in such situations.

I have previously programmed in MQL4 and I would never switch back from MQL5, mainly due to the Object-Oriented Programming. 


But a step-by-step "transition" guide would be nice...

Like (just for example): How I can get "open[0]"? And "Close[7]"?

Little things like this is a ***** to "relearn".

I know that exist few diferences between Mql4 and Mql5, but I just began to learn to make an article of this...

This "transition" guide it would be usefull to avoid ".mqh" files that do not really teach the transition of the languages, but are usefull for other things.

And I am in this gap now...



Yes, you can learn it from zero to start.