A balance between QUALITY and QUANTITY - page 11


It's a very good book, i advise to read it (you can find a link above). i read it a long time ago, but i don't remember it, i just didn't notice that he has a criterion. Thank you Victor for reminding me that there are books to reread and more than once.

the criteria are very similar. And in my opinion it's the best you can come up with.

If it's good, I'll read it. Besides, since he's a brother in spirit. :)

SZS I have it.


I haven't read Bulashev. Is he talking about the same thing? :O

I don't think there are more than 10 people in the world who have read Bulashev's book. You open it on the first page and you will never open it again.

Prival :

(by the way, Gurov helped me a lot in this, his statement that banks never sell, they only buy http://www.procapital.ru/showthread.php?p=348850&highlight=%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BA%D1%83%D0%BF%D0%B0%D1%8E%D1%82#post348850), i.e. they buy something in the market now and pay for it in dollars and euros (but it is not a currency). And I opened the gold chart ... and I have to rework the code again, as there's a new dimension, and the movement should now be looked for in N+1 not in N-dimensional space ...

Prival, Vlad Gurov is certainly a very interesting man and a real guru, just the way he should be, but don't forget that Vlad doesn't do trading, he teaches theory.

In general, this conversation sooner or later will come down to the "square of the circle" or something similar. In the end the output solution will be no better than a guessing board. You understand that the words, and I quote, "...there's a new dimension, and the motion is no longer to be found in N-dimensional space, but in N+1", which means the following: "We still cannot predict neither the strength of the movement, nor its direction, but with the appearance of new tools the uncertainty has increased, and now we do not know where and when the price of not only what we worked with, but also what we just started working with. "


I don't think there are more than 10 people in the world who have read Bulashev's book. It's enough to open it on the first page to never open it again.

Prival, Vlad Gurov is certainly a very interesting man and a real guru, as he should be, but don't forget that Vlad doesn't trade, he teaches theory.


I personally found Bulashev very easy and very understandable. There is nothing complicated there. As for Gurov, it is great that a practicing trader tells you how he analyses the market. Your information is inaccurate, he is a practitioner, and he has been trading for a very long time. And he started trading in a bank, so his experience is very valuable (for me personally), he knows this kitchen from the inside. I'm not saying he's always right, there are things I don't agree with (maybe I'm wrong), but he has a lot to learn. I opened my eyes to many things, for example "Friday of three witches" and what a beautiful name (it's the third Friday of the third month) and it's not the magic of numbers, what is it so interesting? Who does not know the answer find it, I just did not pay attention to it before, now I know. And I won't miss this day, I traded it perfectly, it's the best so far this year, although Gurov's advice was to sit on the fence and get out of the market altogether.

In my opinion, there is also a great trader, Gerchik - he also has a lot to learn, just imagine yourself in his shoes. You take a man off the street, train him for 2 weeks, and then give him your money and tell him to trade, and this is not a demo, but the real market, the exchange, where you don't trade for nickels. They do not make any secrets about the system. I've learned from those who make forecasts in the style of a back and forth move, a stochastic here, a magd divergence... absolutely not interesting, but anyone will benefit from understanding and adopting the most valuable of these trading styles. And their trading systems (Gurov and Gerchik) are as different as heaven and earth, if not more...


I don't want Gerczyk, his website's been taken down and there's a walking joke



I don't want Gerczyk, his website's gone down and there's a walking joke.

That a lot of people can't take him seriously, I know. A couple of facts to help you take him seriously. He's been in the market for over 10 years and he can prove it with his brokerage account statement, which is jailed in America for forgery, and there's only a few losing days, the rest are profitable!!! Second, he's in the top 2% of earners in America.

What do you think? Are you impressed? You can skip the jokes, look at the strength of his trading, why he's so good at it.


I've been trying to figure out how he gets in and out too. I don't get it. Can someone explain? Humour is good, but where is the "system" ?


I've been trying to figure out how he gets in and out too. I don't get it. Can someone explain? Humour is good, but where is the "system" ?

look for his methodology book. it's written there.

The Active Trader's Course. (х)



You have to look for the strength of his trading, why he is so good at it.

I watched Gerchik's seminars. In the opinion of experienced traders who tried to trade using his methodology, something is missing in it (the methodology). Yes, it seemed to me so after watching it. Everything is too simple to make it work with such effectiveness. IMHO Gerchik's seminars are not intended to teach trading to the masses, but to find capable students whom he subsequently trains and prepares for trading his assets. An example is a group of students in Tver. In addition, they advertise their brokerage firm. I tried trading by his TS for a couple of weeks and could hardly keep afloat. I did not find any significant errors during the debriefing.
goldtrader: Watched the recordings ........
That's what I thought too. What about his website?