EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 822

to go up until there is not a strong enough base. I think with small pullbacks it will slide down some more

I think so too!

And this scenario, do you consider it just a correction....))))

No, that's not an option I'm considering at all at the moment...

What a lively market today....

Apparently a lot of people are out shopping...


What a lively market today....

Apparently a lot of people are out shopping...

IMHO, that now we will finish the wave 5 in the d. triangle and complete the wave A and go to B
I'll let you know as soon as it's confirmed.
While you're here watching the euro, the Americans and the Brits are making a big fuss about the yen.

Sell signal on the Dow.

While you're here watching the euro, the Americans and the Brits are making a big deal out of the yen.

I got the euro yen))))

Didn't get anything...

Trade balance is better and better than expected
Jobless claims (MoM) down, better than expected

WHY IS THE DOLLAR NOT RISING BUT FALLING? Been waiting all day for news I'm in sales


I don't get it...

Trade balance is better and better than expected
Jobless claims (MoM) down, better than expected

WHY IS THE DOLLAR NOT RISING BUT FALLING? I've been waiting all day for the news and I'm in a sell-off.

Apparently serious resistance to 1.3730