EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 578

the targets are 1.35-36, but the engine may take too long))))) we may test the highs a few more times..... it's going to be 1.4150-1.38, maybe until november 3....

it would be good, because 1.6 scares us,

we don't need to go that high

Are all of us extinct, or are we holding bai?)))

My multicurrency is in the Baja, probably the EURUSD will close with a pullback loss (I mean the downward trend), but I hope this loss will not do bad things because I have a lot of other pairs in work ...

But yes, EURUSD is going down, if the dollar index corrects, and if it doesn't, it's a flat, but it's not going up, that's for sure...

Damn, I can't insert a picture, it shows the word "Image" in an empty frame, I insert it as a file...

no use, am I the only one with these glitches?

Attempt number 2:

hooray!!!, got it.


Stranger, you've disappeared again like yesterday, is there server migration work today too?

You should have been warned by what banner:((((


Nobody died out =)

The forex director is hunting me =) This is the third pendente in a row, it is accurate to a pixel and quickly runs to the stop. Seriously, I am waiting for the end of the flat, but I cannot decide on the corridor boundary.


12:00pm EUR ZEW Economic Sentiment 1.8 -2.0 4.4

here's the jump, I wonder what's next

Hi all! Who can explain what's going on with the forum. Is there a 578 or 579 page load?

I suggest we consider the option of a CDT...

Hi all! Who can explain what's going on with the forum. Is there a 578 or 579 page load?

The forum has been moving from the old site to the new one for two days now, I don't think they're setting it up...

what is that turkey at the very bottom?
is it possible to use it?