EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 454

I'm all about the eve...


Well, it doesn't make much difference.

I think Hi's gonna take it off today.



I agree with you about the long, if it breaks through the nearest high at 1.3150, we can consider that the correction of these days is over and a new wave of growth begins


Well my friends :)

Looks like it's safe to go long on the Jew and the Aussie ?

I'm so in!


In an avalanche?

Pipsobots and pipsobotsmen, no need to dust off the Kazbek on the light bulb here, get the youngsters on top into the longs...

A week ago, where were you? At seminars?


Golda is probably on the peak too, and whether it reaches 1300 or not, it will fly where Noterdee has sent it.

I'll cast my line: buy, with a target of 1.3160 (1.3200-50)

Hello all!!!


The whole avalanche?

Pipsobots and pipsobotsmen, nothing to dust off the Kazbek bulb here, to lure the youngsters at the top into longs...

A week ago, where were you? At seminars?


Golda is probably on the peak too, and whether it reaches 1300 or not, it will fly where Noterdee has sent it.

You're right about the seminars :) but by the way, I did buy one a week ago :) and wrote about it :)
Does anyone here follow RBC TV?

You're right, about the seminars :) but by the way, a week ago I was buying :) and wrote about it :)
Why are you buying now, did you learn at the seminars? You're putting avalanche victims into bots and trying to convince them that you are not working with your brain by hand, you are dragging pipsers into long-terms here. Tell us in kind, what is the point?
Does anyone here follow RBC TV?

look at the price, not the TV))) 3145 a small offer worked out...
And now what is it that you are buying, have you learned at the seminars? You are putting avalanche victims into bots and telling them that you are not working with your brain by hand, you are pulling the pipsers into long-terms. Tell us the gist of it.

I'm bored of trading with bots all the time....

I want dynamics sometimes, so I get into poses from time to time.