EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 451


Such a mess...I had to cover at a loss...but it's quite acceptable. We have to make up our's not clear.


you are a true foodie))))

))))))))))))) laughing...sorry the buzz was ruined... and at the whim of a young chick I had to go get ... and drink beer with shrimp )))) ok at least the looks and the p.... is not bad ...
it's been a nervous week mind is still in the market...
while smoking in the kitchen, i worked out the possible options for the next week... white as usual is the main ( preferable head-shoulders formation)... but 1.33 is still free...
let's see...most likely will be shorting on the peaks... good luck to all....


I'm in such a mess...I had to cover at a loss...but it's acceptable...I have to settle's not clear...

About the mess you're absolutely right, it's too messy to go north at weekend and on Monday it may not cover this mess to make investors hesitate to go to sell. Though it is quite possible that Wizard has written black for me and that he has been quite enriching. You won't be able to do that with just a glass, but you'll have to nibble on some bullshit too.

Coffee... Lexus?



As for the confusion, you're absolutely right, it's just a load of nonsense, as if a little bit jumped to the north at the weekend, and by Monday it won't cover all this confusion and it would be too shy to go to the sellers. Though it is quite possible that Wizard has written black for me and that he has been quite enriching. You won't be able to do it with just a glass, you'll have to nibble on a bullhorn.

Coffee... Lexus?


Does anyone know where you can see what happens to the graphs on the outputs?
Does anyone know where you can see what happens to the graphs on the outputs?
Look it up in person.
We could go down to 1.29 and then up.
We could go down to 1.29 and then up.

We may or may not go up ... The EUR))) I opened a short, if not according to plan, I will just increase and close it in the end of the day...
I agree - a bounce up (continuation of growth towards 1.33) may be expected from any level in the fibo...


I'm laughing ))) but seriously - the most important thing is that the trend is correct ... The timing is right, so it's a good prognosis !

Your gold forecasts don't seem to work out so well or you've got the wrong one, now it's up to me too

hilarious ))))

i have a feeling that your gold forecasts will not work out as expected or you just made the wrong one.

Flex - more optimism ...

1 - the forecast worked (time offset is due to the fact that ginger went to 2 divert) ...

2 - if you look at any pay-per-view analytics, the hitting prediction is at about the same level as here....

But mostly I have to say thank you to Noterday - he's not just giving out stupid prediction lines, but he tries to think and look for them + sometimes even explain how they're received.... that deserves respect at least, not sarcasm...

3 - I understand we gather here to exchange experiences, not to measure each other's dicks... we're all adults... You'd better show your vision and not just once but several times (days, weeks, etc...)

4 - most important - even the most unreliable predictions have something to learn from....

imho everything....