EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 445


It looks to me like a regular triangle in the B wave


On the topic of the thread. Who, what do they see here?


About the size of expansions and corrections it's time to think.
Either I'm overdoing it or I don't have such a pair, USD/EUR can be seen on the screenshot


* We have reached the boundary of the monthly channel - the channel is descending so there may be an option of a slight upward move but further downward the whole move

Just wondering, how does it go - is there a pattern to the move?

For example, we always go from the weekly channel to the daily one, and from the daily one to the so-and-so?

I wonder how you reckon and how it works out?

Thank you.

I have one more thing to add... I wonder who's noticed it!

So far it's working ))

Either I am blocking something or I have no such pair, on the screenshot you can see USD/EUR

Put up a mirror. And ask yourself...



Put up a mirror. And ask yourself...


it's a pain in the ass to examine yourself from time to time.

we're like a million years old and the law of gravity is correcting us.


You could probably imagine it that way.

Yuri, don't you think your screenshot makes the prospect of finishing fifth look kind of scary-inspiring, given the one on top of the Christmas tree?

Scary or inspiring, the market doesn't really care. I have this as a back-up option. The main one is similar to Alexander's scenario above - flat. Whether the price will follow this scenario will be seen by the upcoming correction... Imho, of course... I sell the pair in expectation of a correction...


We're going down every day )))) (I'm already looking down too)...
Only the euro did not do anything ... and the last few days not a bad reversal ...
patterns were drawn on the lower ... but the higher prices pull up (daily) ...

briefly look at the diaries...

1.white punkirnaya 1.3280-1.3300 the last strong resistance
2.a thick trend (white) - understandable
3.Turn to history and look at the period of June 2008-April 2009
what do we see? we see the same pattern (in relation to Ma 200 it is black on the chart)
marked with red lines....
4.not the quid ... april and august 2010 draw a line
5.Fibo 61 broke through today

Overall, the conclusion - to 1.3200-1.3300 all free and can easily get there ...
but now, once again, on n1 n4 the reversal pattern begins to form...
In general, the trend is buy, but with a possible ending... Shorting on rises...
Closing of the day approximately at 1.3045...

such thoughts...



shorts on the rises...

Absolutely agree...

Plus respect the MM...


At the request of "scan time machine" lovers, posted... But be warned :0))) all data signal changes only see ... Yes and also in the future as long as weekends do not count as working days ;-))


My opinion is clear, but after a setback.