A suggestion to the administration - page 57


When a thread is removed , the public moderator will notify the forum of the deletion and the reason for the deletion. This information should be posted in either this thread or in the spam thread.

A public moderator who removes one or more posts without removing a thread may, but need not, state the reason for the removal. If explicitly stated, they will post them in the "affected" thread.

I suggest we make a separate thread called "Deleted Posts". The posts should not be deleted altogether, but put there. But it should not be possible to post in this thread.
Such a suggestion has already been made. The mere existence of the 'basket' contradicts the rules of the forum.
Ok, you have one more week to think about the complaint. Ban.

Rashid, tell me strongwill, who exactly banned me? Which moderator? Maybe he feels remorse now?

This forum is dying. (Both). Tuh, tuh.

And consequently the feedback from MT5 developers to users, which is oh-so-needed for inspiration (well for debugging), is dying.


Рашид, скажите силь ву пле, а кто именно меня банил? Какой именно модератор? Может, он теперь раскаивается?

You were banned by Rashid. But I'm sure he's not remorseful about it.

The forum is dying. (both). Tch, tch.

And consequently, MT5 developers' feedback to users, which is oh so necessary for inspiration (well for debugging), is dying.

dog barks, caravan rides.


Rashid, tell me s'il vous plaît, who exactly was banning me? Which moderator? Maybe he feels remorse now?

This forum is dying. (Both). Tuh, tuh.

And consequently, MT5 developers' feedback to users, which is oh-so-needed for inspiration (well for debugging), is dying.

That was over a year ago???? Do you have such a good memory, or do you still write it down?

Rashid, tell me s'il vous plaît, who exactly was banning me? Which moderator? Maybe he feels remorse now?

This forum is dying. (Both). Tuh, tuh.

And consequently the feedback from MT5 developers to users, which is oh-so-needed for inspiration (well for debugging), is dying.

And that's not all, the ban triggered an earthquake and tsunami in Japan, a string of revolutions in the Middle East, a drop in Putin's rating and a broken light bulb in my building. Don't come back slowly, it's boring without you.
The administration has nothing to do with it, clean your browser cache, restart your switches, don't log in from proxy servers.
The administration has nothing to do with it, clean your browser cache, restart your switches, don't log in from proxy servers.

Doesn't help. For the most part I've been fine and am fine now, but somehow there was a period recently, about a month. No amount of cleaning did not help. Happened after hitting vk or odnoklassniki. There was a 403 error. Other sites were not blocked. So, maybe the administration can do something.
Well, then send an application to the CD, with all the details you can think of. I remember exactly the same signs from people on mobile internet (resetting the cache helped), and on wifi (restarting the router).
Thank you, thank you, I'll give it a try.

You wrote in several threads for the sake of one question. It's called SPAM and the punishment is usually BAN. Clean up your mess.