A suggestion to the administration - page 5


There you go! And you say you're smart.

There you go! And you say you're smart.
Who says? Я? )))) // Hallucinating is a secret forum engine. Here - almost everyone is delusional...
Who's speaking? Я? )))) // Hallucinating is a secret forum engine. Here - almost everyone is delusional...

Not said, but invariably implied.


Like, by default... Well, yeah...

Mitya, you know, I'm not going to be "falsely modest" and try to be politically correct. I'll just call things by their proper names.

Here on this resource there are (few of them!) enthusiasts who really think. Most are lunatics who can't tell multiplication from addition. Those who were cattle will remain cattle. Because of genetics. Or because of laziness - well, laziness to study in junior high school. Same genetics, if you think about it...

For me it's really the feeling that I'm from another planet that hasn't left me lately. Maybe it's because I'm a professional. Maybe it's real - there are more idiots than I could imagine. Or maybe they have gathered in one place...

Anyway, I don't care. If you want to practice on my bathhouse, yo velcome!!!))

Ow! Uncle Fedor!


Peter, that was a joke, don't take it so seriously. Well, the forum really is the internet's leader in stupidity these days.


By the way, my skype is OutOfSample

I'm in touch... Kisses...


Peter, you can't even swear and be rude enough to get banned :) Take it from Risk.

As for stupor: all poor traders' forums suffer from mass hallucinations, both Alpari's and ours. Well, everything is clear here: forex is easy and fast money. All you need is a little effort to finally optimize or filter out something that is obviously flush, so that it becomes a pouring one.

It is illogical and undemocratic to ban for being stupid and alien :) But for rudeness and systematic violation of explicit forum rules, it is quite so sensible.

2 Richie: Peter seems to have said more than once that he earns his money not on forex, but on the fund.


Mathemat: Ну тут все понятно: фора - это легкие и быстрые деньги.

I disagree somewhat. It seems to everyone that handicaps are easy and quick money. But in reality it's far from that....)))

Peter, you can't even swear and be rude enough to get banned :) ...

"Oh, I don't know how to bark like my fist..." :))

The Airbase forums are heavily moderated for matting, insults, boorishness and trolling, but there are boorish and trolls nonetheless. Although the developers of military equipment and advanced warriors hang out there. But! Thanks to moderation there, trolls are not allowed to disrupt discussions of substantive topics and are not allowed to open and develop disguised advertising and incorrect threads.

That's why you need a sane, public moderator, and Uncle Fedor fits the role. Additionally, a Spam thread will be maintained and everyone will be able to give their opinion regarding the quality of moderation there. It would be a pity if there was no technical possibility.


A public moderator is needed, of course. The main thing is to get started. We will correct mistakes on the fly. Or have mistakes never happened? Metaquotes does not look like a firm afraid of making mistakes.

The intellectual level of the forum is unlikely to be improved, but the cultural level should be. The administration is focused on the future, the "A", and the lack of attention to the present, the "B", is making the forum suffer.

Give us the first public moderator of the "four" forum, DDFedor! Or not the first?