Last idea (((. - page 4


is it more correct to specify the parameters for it to open a trade?


Read this (now previous) page carefully... I already answered...

or - open Word, write the ToR (when to enter, when to exit), put the ToR and undecompiled indicators in one archive, send it all by post... don't forget to send money... I will write you a robot with all the explanations...

Michelangelo >>:

прочти внимательно эту страницу... я уже ответил...

или - открой ворд, напиши ТЗ (когда входить, когда выходить), положи ТЗ и недекомпелированные индикаторы в один архив, высылай все это почтой... не забуть следом отослать денюжку... напишу тебе робота со всеми пояснениями...

I can't really explain, I posted the code for the conditions when the red arrow appears, open a sell when the blue one appears and that's it, just show me at least one condition for a sell, that is, what code would be if the arrow appears for a sell, how to open a sell, you have the forum free help, I earn dough I will give you 10 on the money now I just do not have it on deposit.
People, tell me something, I'm an idiot.
Pyxlik2009 писал(а) >>

When you see red arrow you open a sell when the blue one appears, just show me at least one condition in the sell that is what code will be if the arrow appears in the sell, how to open the sell, you have the same forum free help, earn money I will give you 10 on the paw now I just do not have it on deposit.
I wrote:
"Indicator parameters - that's what you change in the settings window... So, error number one - why the hell are you sending TakeProfit to the indicator? The seventh parameter there has the bool type and is responsible for using Alert (i.e., if false alarms don't pop, if tue they do)...

in the indicator call line instead of TakeProfit put fals e...".

maybe this way you'll see...

thanks a lot but it is clear)) but the point is I tried it but the point is that even if it is true or false it still does not pop up why I do not know ((
Pyxlik2009 писал(а) >>
Thanks even so crude but clear)) but the other thing I tried it but the point is that even if it is true or false I still do not pop up why do not know ( (!)

ugh... I missed it here... it's not the Alerts, it's the Sound... it's not important for the EA... did the tool itself initialize after that?


the indicator is initialised. if i understood you, did you mean to do it like this ?

//|                                        PriceChanel_Stop_v1_2.mq4 |
//|                                Copyright © 2010, Michelangelo ®  |
//|                                |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2010, Michelangelo ®"
#property link      ""

extern int Length = 20;
extern int Deviation = 1;
extern double MoneyRisk = 1.0;
extern int Signal = 1;
extern int Line = 1;
extern int Nbars = 10000;
extern int TakeProfit=100;
bool gi_132 = true;
bool gi_136 = true;

double Lots;
datetime timeSignal;
//| expert initialization function                                   |
int init()
//| expert deinitialization function                                 |
int deinit()
//| expert start function                                            |
int start()
  int Ticket;
  double TP;
   if (gi_132>0){
      if (gi_136<=Time[0]){
         if (TakeProfit>0 && Ticket>0) {
         Print("Пришел сигнал на покупку!");
   if (gi_136>0){
      if (gi_132<=Time[0]){
         if (TakeProfit>0 && Ticket>0) {
         Print("Пришел сигнал на продажу!");
что означают последнии цифры ? 2,0 ?
Pyxlik2009 писал(а) >>

If I understand you, do you mean like this?

no... not like that...

sorry puffy... take the book... read it, then we'll talk... or highlight iCustom in the code and press F1...

it's very hard to explain to a person what they're doing wrong if they don't understand what they're doing... :)