Help out anyone who cares! - page 5

sllawa3 писал(а) >>

with icustom.

and others suggested

With such a nice picture [with iCustom] it is not even worth bothering to implement the indicator in the text of the Expert Advisor, we should quickly rake in the dough, and then for a decent amount $$$$$ there will be a queue of professionals to take the code of the indicator into the Expert Advisor.
henna henna henna.....
a pretty picture is no indicator .... without stops, for example, most people have nice pictures...
sllawa3 писал(а) >>
a pretty picture isn't an indicator yet.... >> without stops, for example, most of them have nice pictures...

The same is true for the trading system, and whether the indicators are on the outside or the inside is in fact secondary.
BroCo-Real (Build 226)

Period1 Minute (M1) 2010.04.01 00:00 - 2010.05.13 14:37 (2010.04.01 - 2010.05.14)

ParametersBAY="NASTROI:"; StopLoss=80; TakeProfit=40; TrailingStop=0.33; TrailingStep=0; U=5; TPA="TIP ORDERS:"; IMMEDIATE=true; LIMIT=true; LOT="NASTROI LOT:"; Lots=0.01; DOLIV=5; KDoliv=1; KORECTION_LOT=1; LOT_OP_Order=0.1; MAX_LOT=40; NORMALIZ=false; In="TIME TREND:"; UseTradeTime=false; START=8; END=23; News="PAUSE NEWS:"; PAUSE_NEWS=true; HOUR_START_PAUSE=14; HOUR_END_PAUSE=10; DEI_START_PAUSE=5; DEI_END_PAUSE=1; START_PAUSE=0; END_PAUSE=6; P="EDGE:"; MAX_NUMBER_ORDERS=111; BALANCE_MAIL=1; Balance_Equity=1; DELAY=3; BEZUBLE=6; PIP_BU=2; TFCLOSE=5; FLAG="FLAGS:"; BUY=1; SELL=1; CLOSEBUY=1; CLOSESELL=1; MINIM=1; FRAKTAL=1; ICCI=1; IWPR=1; ISTOH=1; DISTANCE_EXPOSE_DEFERRED=5; TIMELIVE=11; HG="NASTROI HG 0.:"; N=40; WPR=30; WPRD=17; PCI1=14; PCI2=21; TFWPRD=1440; stoh="nastroi hg. TIK.:"; Lengh=14; Smooth=10; Signal=8; MA_mode=0; UserDtlimiter=1; M="MAGIC:"; MAGA=7777; Z=1;

Initial deposit1000.00

Net profit3645.07Total profit3645.07Total loss0.00
Expected payoff27.61

Absolute drawdown203.00Maximum drawdown451.20 (14.82%)Relative drawdown24.43% (433.40)

Total trades132Short positions (% win)72 (100.00%)Long positions (% win)60 (100.00%)

Profitable trades (% of all)132 (100.00%)Loss trades (% of all)0 (0.00%)
Largestprofitable trade228.00losing trade0.00
Averageprofitable deal27.61Deal loss0.00
Maximum numbercontinuous wins (profit)132 (3645.07)Continuous losses (loss)0 (0.00)
MaximumContinuous Profit (number of wins)3645.07 (132)Continuous loss (number of losses)0.00 (0)
Averagecontinuous winnings132Continuous loss0
the same since March (but with more results) and from the earlier period of history nyama
PapaYozh >>:

Так и надо работать над тем, что б торговая система устойчиво прибыль приносила, а снаружи индикаторы или внутри, на самом деле, вторично.

No... I need to finally solve this problem... so I can be competent about it from now on...
ran a lot of 130's on the tester, maybe my DC doesn't allow such small stops, or maybe you have the same
sllawa3 >>:

не.. мне надо решить наконец то эту проблему.. чтоб в дальнейшем уже грамотным быть в этом вопросе..

Do you have the same N parameter in the indicator when called through iCustom and with the built-in indicator?
RomanS >>:

У тебя параметр N в индикаторе при вызове через iCustom и при встроенном индюке одинаковые значения? проверял?
I think we found the error... we should have put the turntable out of the loop (before the start)