MT5 tester available!!!! - page 9


Have the in-house withdrawal/input functions been made in the tester?

coaster >>:

...Это событие века!!! Мои благодарности MQ за тестер. Могли бы и в главную тему сию историческую дату занести. Теперь можно и пятерку поюзать.

What century, five years at the most.

HIDDEN писал(а) >>

What century, five years at the most.

While I was waiting for the tester, I was busy watching Smeshariki. )))
>> ...truffle.

Also on "ergonomics", it wouldn't be bad to leave "quadruple" buttons "Change Expert", "Open Graph", "Symbol Properties" .... in the tester. Maybe I'm just ahead of the locomotive, not all of them are connected yet, but nevertheless...

And not in terms of "ergonomics". Hovered overnight, some optimization results were left from "yesterday", I clicked the result and the test was not launched, I reshot all the optimization results - no way... Restarted terminal, performed new optimization - clicked on result - test runs...

"Cuda" Agent(s) . who has tried it?

1.4 billion G200 trans chip - 240 cores and a bus for them . GTX275 = $300/400 . instead of a load of 4-8 cpu cores and network bots.

SLIx2x3 actually that's the revolution :? >>:
"Cuda" Агент(ы)ов . кто пробовал?

This has already been discussed - >>:
"Cuda" Агент(ы)ов . кто пробовал?

1.4 млрд. транз чип G200 - 240 ядер и шина под них. GTX275 = 300/400$ . вместо нагрузки 4-8 cpu core и сетевых ботов.

SLIx2x3 собственно вот и революция:?

You (along with the Nvidia marketers) forgot to attribute "raw processing = stupid mass pixel shredding".

Unfortunately, there is no revolution in universal calculations (which conventional CPUs and analytical systems like MetaTrader do).
AlexSTAL >>:

А штатные функции вывода/ввода денег сделали в тестере?

There is a withdrawal function - it will soon be working in the tester and has not yet been described in the documentation:

bool TesterWithdrawal(double money);
There is no money entry function, of course.
In MT4, when starting the tester in visualization mode and putting a simple indicator on this chart, in which the MA of the current and another timeframe, for example, is counted, for example
for(int intLoop=0; intLoop<100; intLoop++) {

the chart of another timeframe, different from the current one, is not updated. That is, when rendered, _adbl_M1[] is updated and drawn, and _adbl_M2[] (which is a thin green line) is initially rendered, and then, as it is rendered, draws a straight line from the last value:

Perhaps this is the way it should be. Or maybe I'm missing something :)
If anyone knows, please explain how to make, if it is possible, the indicator of another TF to be drawn too.

I wonder what is the situation with it in the MT5 tester. Please try if you have MT5 - I haven't even set it up yet myself :)
falkov >>:
В МТ4 при запуске тестера в режиме визуализации и при навешивании на этот чарт простого индикатора, в котором считается, например, МА текущего и другого таймфрейма, например, так
for(int intLoop=0; intLoop<100; intLoop++) {

не обновляется график другого, отличного от текущего, таймфрейма. Т.е. при визуализации _adbl_M1[] обновляется и рисуется, а _adbl_M2[] (это тонкая зеленая линия) первоначально выводится, а потом, по мере визуализации рисует прямую линию от последнего значения:

Read the thread , please don't flub here if you're too lazy to look it up yourself.