Average advisor cost - page 7

drknn >>:

Короче, я всё понял.
And how much would you charge (and would you do it?) if your client told you /*the already mentioned here*/ to modify a simple machine?
avatara >>:
А за сколько бы взялись (и взялись ли?) кодить, если бы вам заказчик сформулировал /*уже упоминавшуюся здесь*/ задачу модификации простенькой машки?

I can't go into it now - people are waiting to leave. BUT! with a cursory glance at the problem, I can say that fractional averaging period is not a complicated thing. The arithmetic mean - what is it? It is the sum of all the elements in a series divided by the number of those elements. Suppose we have 4.2 elements in the series. We have to sum them up. We add 4 elements together and add 0.2 elements to them. Now we have to divide by their number. We divide by 4.2 and we have the result in our hands.
How many will I take? Until I see the amount of work to be done, I can't put a price on it.
You know, so eager to immediately tell the customer that sorting out the terms of reference costs so much per hour! Otherwise, refer to another programmer :)
drknn >>:

Не могу сейчас вчитаться и вникнуть - уходить нужно - люди ждут. НО! при беглом взгляде на проблему могу сказать, что дробный период усреднения - штука не сложная. Среднее арифметичнское - что это такое? Это сумма всех элементов ряда, разделённая на количество этих элементов. Пусть у нас в ряду 4,2 элементов. Мы должны их просуммировать. Складываем вместе 4 элемента и прибавляем к ним 0,2 элемента. Теперь нужно разделить на их количество. Делим на 4,2 и результат у нас в руках.
Сколько я возьму? До тех пор, пока я не увижу объём предстоящей работы, я назначить цену не могу.
Знаете, тааааак хочется заказчику сходу объявить, мол, разбор техзадания стОит столько-то в час! Мол, в противном случае обращайтесь к другому программеру :)

so - apart from the code and the strings in it) there are many other things that affect the cost of MQLprog...

And in general: it's unusual to see flea market rates in a multi-billion dollar field.



Progurr (at the "rates" link) is embarrassed to show his code in the database?

Or is it a scam?

Integer >>:

Скорее арбитр будет выполнять функцию судьи. Программист свой спич готовит, в свое оправдание, заказчик - свой в оправдание совоего техзадания. Т.е. Арбитр не вчитывается в тз., а только смотрит ссылки программиста или заказчика на текст тз и дейстивя советника. Несказнно интересно, как все это на самом деле будет происходить. Можно ожидать появления новых услуг на рынке экспертописательства - прокурора и адваката)

It probably won't work like in a regular court, without diving into the terms of reference and code, and that would be a bummer.
In addition to the two problems ( the parties ) there will be a third one, but it is not certain that the boy from Metacquot who will take care of the claims will be more advanced or at least on the level of a good MQL programmer
drknn >>:
Интересно, а у кого сколько советник стоит? В среднем...
Я тут как-то прикинул, у меня получается где-то по 5 баксов за 100 строк программного кода. Иной раз больше, иной - меньше, но в среднем где-то такая цифра и есть. Возможно я недооцениваю свой труд, или наоборот переоцениваю. Хотелось бы просто услышать мнение общества по этому вопросу...
Было бы даже не плохо вывести среднестатистическую цифру сразу многих программеров. Результат был бы точнее.
Думаю, что тема будет интересна многим и завышать/занижать свои цифры ни кто не станет. Тем более, что это среднестатистическая цифра для каждого из нас.
Итак, я первый. 5 центов стоит 1 строка программного кода. Кто следующий?
Будет интересно посмотреть на результирующую цену строчки :)

there is no average cost ... everyone will take it according to their greed ! or according to the popularity of the expert ...

zhuki писал(а) >>

If all programmes were judged by the amount of writing, that would be great. Only, the same thing can be written in different ways. The main thing in the program is what it does, not how much it is in terms of value. And the question is how much a line of code in MQL return() will cost;

The idea is that the MQL code costs nothing, because it's a very simple language and its knowledge is not a great advantage. This language is for trading, not for programming. Writing EAs, scripts and indicators for money is just a payment for time, but not for knowledge and algorithm development. And the money is paid mainly by lazybones.

Can you program in MQL4? If yes, how much programming experience do you have (in years)?

Gentlemen, well you are all connected to the market. Price (and not only on the stock exchange) is the result of a balance of supply and demand. Demand and supply are also shaped by advertising. So, who really needs - you can sell three lines of code for a thousand quid or more ... If there is no alternative offer that lowers the price. So, if you can sell expensive, feel free - it's not a question of expended labor...


So how much does an advisor cost (although an advisor is not the same as an advisor)? You gentlemen need to make up your minds at the end of the day.

Vinin >>:

Так все таки - сколько стоит советник (хотя советник советнику рознь). Вы уж, господа, определитесь в конце концов

Approximate cost

Expert Advisor - from 20$ (several indicators, market orders), on the average 40-60$ (availability of pending orders, interdependent orders, decision-making on the basis of other orders, etc.), but may be much more, depending on complexity and volume of work and required functions. Indicator - from 10$, on the average 15-35$. The script - from 10 $, on the average 15-25 $. Improvement of my programs: from 10 $. Revision of other programmers programs: from $ 15, sometimes it is easier to write all over again, than to make revision.


To learn how to write correct software, you need to spend a lot of time (your own) and make some effort (if you have the ability). And no one pays for this. It is an auto-investment in yourself. To be an investor without dividends is ridiculous and humiliating. To lure from the customer a sensible algorithm of behavior in the market is a task of the archives! Then this algorithm has to be inserted into the program algorithm, accurate to a micro-penny, it is clear why. And this is not a mechanical translation, this is pure creativity - as different people of art say - authorial! And the last joy, you still need to guarantee payment for your work. (Once I was screwed by a customer with payment. Since then I have not relaxed.) My time and my work - I appreciate it! And for writing cheap codebase advisors I'm not taking it, you know, my conscience.