Average advisor cost - page 6

Richie >>:

Mathemat, к Альпари у меня лично претензий нет, просто не хочу делать рекламу, хотя какую рекламу я могу сделать :)
Нужно отдать должное этому форуму, его создателям и участникам, он очень быстро индексируется.
На мой вопрос так никто из программистов конкретно и не ответил, значит для этого есть основания, но я подожду.
Конкретно - значит, сумма.

Can I ask you a question?
How much would you sell it for?
YuraZ 24.02.2007 13:14
Integer писал (а):

If anyone thinks it doesn't look very pretty, sorry, 20 minutes didn't make it any better.
to continue the joke

everyone's gonna giggle - me too.

i love to go buy on this pair on the real.
i like to use my forex robot and the idea of trading with such an automaton is exactly the entrances at the pairs that give a positive swap.
GBPJPY has no higher swaps
sometimes when i have a trade hanging with a short take
for a week there's more swaps coming in

i dont know if autotrading is a myth - i have not touched the account for 10 days.
I used a similar Expert Advisor to raise my account by 2%.
30 days = 6%
not much - well not much but it works

//|                                                   exp_RGraal.mq4 |
//|                                                                * |
//|                                                                * |
#property copyright "*"
#property link      "*"
//---- input parameters
extern double    Lots=0.1;
extern int       SL=2000;
extern int       TP=100;
extern int       Random=1;
//| expert initialization function                                   |
int init()
   if ( Symbol() != "GBPJPY" )
      MessageBox(" работает только на "+"GBPJPY" );
//| expert deinitialization function                                 |
int deinit()
//| expert start function                                            |
int start(){
      static int lt;
   if ( Symbol() != "GBPJPY" || Period() != PERIOD_H4 )
       Print(" работает только на GBPJPY запустите H4 за период 2005 - 2007 ");
      if( TimeHour(Time[0]) == lt)
lt = TimeHour(Time[0]);
      int bs,ss;
//      if(ss==1)OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,Lots,Bid,0,Bid+Point*SL,Bid-Point*TP,NULL,0,0,CLR_NONE);
this kind of creativity is what causes problems...
It's good that the Metakwots in the top five will give the opportunity to cut off freeloaders of both varieties.
avatara писал(а) >> can I ask you a question? How much would you sell this thing for?

At least $1 million, I think.

Richie >>:

Думаю, что не менее 1 млн. $.

Considering you kept a copy ;)

avatara писал(а) >>

considering you kept the copy ;)

Of course I did. And thought of the fact that buyers will want to sell too. And then, everyone has a different financial goal. You have yours. I have mine.
Richie >>:
Разумеется. И подумал о том, что покупатели тоже захотят продать. И потом, у каждого человека своя финансовая цель. У вас своя. У меня своя.

Conclusion-$5 for 100 lines of code will be asked for by typists, not by MQL programmers.
Or students...
So the questioner is obviously wrong.
100 bucks just for the approach to the problem. My opinion ...
Don't like it? - Google it.


or study and write it yourself. there's help here.
avatara >>:

Вывод- 5$ за 100 строк кода будут просить машинистки, а не программисты на МQL.
Или учащиеся...
Посему топикстартер явно не прав.
100 бакинских только за подход к проблеме. Мое мнение...
Не нравится? - Гугль в помощь.

"A hundred quid a night? For the whole night? I, at the best of times, wouldn't even smile at you for a hundred quid!"

At least you put inverted commas, Peter. I hadn't noticed them at first, so I wondered...
Yeah, I read your posts and I get all kinds of impressions. From elation to deep thoughtfulness.
Putting aside the specifics and looking at the essence of the question, what did I ask? What question did I ask? I asked, "What is the measure of a programmer's work?"
I know, I know very well that not everything can be measured with a ruler. Even in formal logic, there is a descriptive way to define concepts. Then let us try to define, what is the measure of labor in general. The answer to this question does not appear before my eyes like that. Only one thing can be said unequivocally here - the system should be in equilibrium. Otherwise there will be trouble. It means that the client (one side of the scale) and the doer (the other side of the scale) make an exchange and this exchange must be of the same value.
Before money came into existence, goods were exchanged for goods. In chess, the value system is still measured in pawns - a bishop and knight are worth about three pawns, a rook six, a queen 12, a king is generally worthless. And what does a programmer have? That's right - there's an invaluable thing - his life time. It's quite finite. And if you can add money to your wallet, the time spent will never come back. So, it turns out that in addition to his powers a programmer sells his life time.
Let's look at the watchman - what are they paying him a salary for? He doesn't do anything physically or mentally, does he? But they do! What for? The only answer is that he is paid for the responsibility he has towards his employer. Generally speaking, it is possible to be kind and do small easy jobs for free. But in doing so, we lose the most precious thing of all - time of our lives! Suppose someone is in trouble and we are there. Of course, we would help them and would not charge for it. But what has happened now? Time has been spent and it would seem that the equilibrium of the system has been broken. But it is not - the one who helps receives a feeling of deep moral satisfaction. Ahaaaaahhhh - there it is!!! We've found the measure of labour! You've found a sign to distinguish whether the balance has been disturbed or not - a person always acts for one purpose only - to find mental comfort, peace!
If you have dragged two or three tons of stones from one place to another and you have been paid five kopecks, you will not receive any moral satisfaction. If you are given a million dollars for the same job, you will not get any pleasure either, because you will wonder why the money is so high and you will need to break free from the bondage of dependence on the one who is paying you, to refuse such high wages and take less.
So getting paid too little is bad and being paid too much is bad too - they both disturb the balance in client-actor system. So how much should you ask for in exchange for your labour? The answer is the same and it must fit into the value scale of the specific person. Some people will ask for 2 quid, while others will ask for at least a tenner for the same job. This is why one person will charge little for his work and the other will charge more and there is nothing you can do to persuade the other person to pay less.
In short, I get it. Just like that dog, I can't formulate it... :)
But that's all right, I'm still an analyst. Let's hope he and the logician will come to an agreement and sift the essence from the husk :)