Average advisor cost - page 4


And then, about the profit share. Remember the anecdote about the Jew guessing the sex of the baby 50% of the time.

Urain >>:

У любого програмиста остаёться исходник, и если он наливающий вот вам и доля с прибыли (ставь на реал и будешь иметь).

this is not the case. When a programmer receives 5-10 orders per week, you don't need to analyze the exp's performance. A coder is just a coder.
Well... the price as a f-f of the number of lines is strange. Mayakovsky comes to mind - his "Conversation with a financial inspector". There this problem was covered.))).
In short, pure sovok.
Certainly, it must depend on quality. Ha. This from ABS comes to mind:
"I myself look at the fee policy simply: the more the better, all the writer's talk of material incentives is not worth a penny. This oily unionist is always yelling that if he were paid like Alexei, he would write like a lion. He's lying, he's a slacker. No matter how much you pay him, he'll still write shit. Give him even five hundred per sheet, even seven hundred, all the same he will doltovit: good studies, children, it's very good, and bad studies, ugly, it's no good, and you can not hurt the little ones.
sergeev >>:

это не тот случай. Когда через программера проходит в неделю по 5-10 заказов, то про анализ работы экспа речь просто не идёт. Кодер он на то и кодер.

I agree that's why I just agree with the customer that the catch bugs on the side of the customer (respectively fix bugs for free,

I say service).

I agree, that's why I immediately agree with the customer to catch bugs on the side of the customer (well, accordingly, bug fixes are free of charge).

I agree, that's why I make an agreement with the customer about catching bugs on the side of the customer (respectively, fixing bugs for free).


To put my question to the masters of programming:
How much does it cost to have an EA ready, with the following features:
1. Monthly income - not less than 20%;
2. Initial deposit amount - 1000 USD;
3. Account drawdown - not more than 10%
4. Testing period on demo account with at least 20% profitability per month - at least 5 last years;
5. Broker - company A...ry or Fa... - club;

sergeev >>:
в конкретном примере я бы сделал бесплатно :)

ИМХО вы сами должны оценивать свой труд и чувствовать насколько велики ваши умственные и физические трудозатраты и сколько вы готовы просить за какой либо код. Ведь если вы морально не можете принять, что писанные вами программы стоят более 100$, то и клиентов у вас и заказов таких не будет.

Все кто профессионально занимается программированием понимает что чем больше он знает и умеет, чем больше опыта уже имеет,
тем сложнее пректы ему приходится реализовывать, а следовательно получает за это соответствующее вознаграждение. И такое баловство типа открытие ордеров при пересечении индюков просто.

absolutely agree

Richie писал(а) >>

To put my question to the masters of programming:
How much does it cost to have an EA ready, with the following features:
1. Monthly income - not less than 20%;
2. Initial deposit amount - 1000 USD;
3. Account drawdown - not more than 10%
4. Testing period on demo account with at least 20% profitability per month - at least 5 last years;
5. Broker - company A...ry or Fa... - club;

These are other questions. The topicstarter was referring to the cost of the work to REWrite the EA.
The profitability / profitability in this case does not matter, it is important that the EA fulfills the algorithm of the client.
This is a different topic, and it's also very interesting.

Richie >>:

Задам свой вопрос господам программистам:
Сколько стоит готовый советник, со следующими характеристиками:
1. Ежемесячный доход - не менее 20%;
2. Начальная сумма депо - 1000 USD;
3. Просадка счёта - не более 10%;
4. Период тестирования на демо, с доходностью не менее 20% в месяц - не менее 5 последних лет;
5. Брокер - компания А...ри или Фо... - клуб;

This is not for programmers, but for testers.

The mql programmer has to understand requirements (not always possible) and algorithmize it (oddly enough, on mql, it's not the task manager, but the programmer) and then it's a technical matter to convert the algorithm into code (although it's also work).


the price is not "how much it costs". the price is "how much they are willing to pay". do you think there is no sale where a "small script" costs 1000 quid or more? the real price is where you pay not for the code, but for reliability and trust. this is originally a flooded thread... look around! there are shops for the poor and for the rich! what are we talking about!?

Richie >>:

5. Брокер - компания А...ри или Фо... - клуб;

Richie, why the fake conspiracy? It's not like we're discussing these companies here or that we're going to.

If you had written "but in A...ri they cheat with cotiers", that would be a clear violation of the rules, even despite the pseudo conspiracy.