Average advisor cost

I wonder how much an advisor costs? On average...
I've done some calculations and I've got about 5 quid for 100 lines of code. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but on average, this is the figure. Perhaps I'm underestimating my own labor or, vice versa, overestimating it. I would just like to hear society's opinion on this question...
It would even be nice to have an average statistical figure of many programmers at once. The result would be more accurate.
I think the topic will be interesting to many and no one will overestimate / underestimate their numbers. Moreover, it is an average statistical figure for each of us.
So, me first. 5 cents costs 1 line of program code. Who's next?
It will be interesting to see the resulting cost per line :)
IMHO, estimating EA/instrument in lines is wrong... Because an EA of 5 lines may be much more labour intensive than an EA of 150 lines. You should assess based on the complexity of the algorithm and the complexity of formalization. Since most often, the formalization and figuring out how to implement it in MQL - takes the lion's share of labor, rather than the stupid filling of the number of lines... Any even the simplest Expert Advisor can be stretched to hundreds of lines if you want...
So, this, IMHO, is a fundamentally wrong approach.
drknn >>:
Интересно, а у кого сколько советник стоит? В среднем...
Я тут как-то прикинул, у меня получается где-то по 5 баксов за 100 строк программного кода. Иной раз больше, иной - меньше, но в среднем где-то такая цифра и есть. Возможно я недооцениваю свой труд, или наоборот переоцениваю. Хотелось бы просто услышать мнение общества по этому вопросу...
Было бы даже не плохо вывести среднестатистическую цифру сразу многих программеров. Результат был бы точнее.
Думаю, что тема будет интересна многим и завышать/занижать свои цифры ни кто не станет. Тем более, что это среднестатистическая цифра для каждого из нас.
Итак, я первый. 5 центов стоит 1 строка программного кода. Кто следующий?
Будет интересно посмотреть на результирующую цену строчки :)

Are you writing a novel? What is it called? Any buyers? :)

I know about complexity - thank God I've been using MQL for a couple of years already :)
I've seen many simple looking problems, which turned into high difficulty when trying to explain them in program code.
Here is an example of http://forexgun.ru/strategy/105-strategiya-foreks-speed-trap-method.html a simple trading system. It would seem that there is nothing special in it. But we are not looking for easy ways :)
So I've got 900 lines of program code in my Expert Advisor... Do you think that's what I was counting on? I just did it for 20 quid. I wanted a relatively flexible product - I spent about 24 hours on my Expert Advisor.
About novels:
You, kharko, have never tried literary writing. You know, the work of a writer is sometimes accompanied by such mental anguish that it's hard to envy. And it's not a question of any line statistics whatsoever - it's not dumb typing.
How does a writer work at all? He writes drafts of his idea, or at least a fragment of his idea, then puts it away for a couple of days in a drawer. Then he takes it out and rewrites it, eliminating everything that can be done without. It is not for nothing that it is said that brevity is the sister of talent. And sometimes such rewrites are repeated and repeated. For example, did you know that Leo Tolstoy rewrote his work War and Peace 17 times?
drknn >>:
Интересно, а у кого сколько советник стоит? В среднем...
Я тут как-то прикинул, у меня получается где-то по 5 баксов за 100 строк программного кода. Иной раз больше, иной - меньше, но в среднем где-то такая цифра и есть. Возможно я недооцениваю свой труд, или наоборот переоцениваю. Хотелось бы просто услышать мнение общества по этому вопросу...
Было бы даже не плохо вывести среднестатистическую цифру сразу многих программеров. Результат был бы точнее.
Думаю, что тема будет интересна многим и завышать/занижать свои цифры ни кто не станет. Тем более, что это среднестатистическая цифра для каждого из нас.
Итак, я первый. 5 центов стоит 1 строка программного кода. Кто следующий?
Будет интересно посмотреть на результирующую цену строчки :)

If all programmes were judged by the amount of writing, that would be great. Only, the same thing can be written in different ways. The main thing in the program is what it does, not how much it is in terms of value. And the question is how much a line of code in MQL return() will cost;

The idea is that the MQL code costs nothing, because it's a very simple language and its knowledge is not a great advantage. This language is for trading, not for programming. Writing EAs, scripts and indicators for money is just a payment for time, but not for knowledge and algorithm development. And the money is mostly paid by lazy people.

As one physics teacher used to say. "I give you a '3' for your exam, because an 'A' knows whoever came up with it. "I know it with a 4. That's why it's only a C."
The language really isn't difficult, but it does require a special kind of thinking, which many people don't have. Paying in strings is really stupid. I recently wrote a multivariant, so version 1.0 turned out to be 5 times longer and 2 times slower, but it produced the same results. I think the conclusion is clear.
All the canons say that programming is almost a way of life. But I don't think it has anything to do with MQL.
zhuki >>:

Моя мысль такая,что код на MQL вообще ничего не стоит.

Well you did, honestly, before MQL became very simple for you, there must have been Basic and Fortran and Pascal and C and Assembler at last. But what about the years of study? Or did you come to MQL from the street? Every programmer knows how much work it takes to write a program. It includes sleepless nights and thoughts that do not leave you for a moment, and then bang - 10 lines. And no work ????
this is not what this thread is about. I think the subject is important, and it would be good to create a closed theme with the average cost of advisors, to determine the evaluation criteria. Because I myself work for next to nothing, and I want to eat too...

zhuki >>:
По всем канонам считается что,программирование, это вообще чуть ли не образ жизни. Но думаю,что к MQL это отношения не имеет.

Don't oversimplify. MQL is not just a language but a real-time programming system.
That's the complexity of it.
Well, if the number of lines is not an indicator of code quality, then you can introduce a normalizing factor - how much redundancy there is in lines relative to some optimal solution.
By the way, algorithm development and code writing are things which require work of different brain hemispheres, while it's very difficult to use two hemispheres simultaneously - the processor can get hung up from overloading. :))
Andrei01 >>:
может процессор зависнуть от перегрузки. :))

You have to grease it once in a while :-)))

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