Looking for an MQL4 programmer for cooperation - page 15

granit77 писал(а) >>
Learn, Misha. A prime example of the technique trolls use to trash their opponents.
An unpleasant main point is ignored, the weakest point is selected and challenged from the remaining text, and the required thesis is convincingly presented on the basis of its denial.
Sorry for the off-topic, the author is not a troll, but he is clearly familiar with the technology.

And invariably psychoactive words are used, in this case "make-believe", and supposedly "knowing" what the opponent is thinking is "yours". Instead of writing "I implied otherwise"
SProgrammer >>:

;)) Надо не так - надо пересказать тезис оппонента своими словами, и попросить уточнить что он имеет ввиду, пересказать с ошибками, и потом с гордостью разбить его в пух и прах. :)) То есть сами придумываем за оппонетнта потом сами оспариваем. :))

I don't argue, you're good at it, but it's too colourful for my taste. I prefer a lapidary delivery. :))

Here we go Friday ))
Mischek >>:
Ну вот и пятница ))

What else is there to do? I missed the session entry on the pound and the yen, and it is more expensive to catch up with the trend.

granit77 писал(а) >>

I don't argue, you're good at it, but it's too colourful for my taste. I prefer a lapidary delivery. :))

>> Me? :))) Only argue with me. I'm too lazy to argue with anyone, and there's no reason to. But if you want to argue with me, why don't you come up with an idea?
It's funny, I move ideas and troll someone else. I'm sick of amateurs. Acceptance in everything. From programming to trading. Well, now I'm going to look for nonsense from the most active local amateurs and poke their noses in it until they get it right. :)) I'm going to be a bully for being stupid - although I've been kind and forgiving before... That's enough. :))

SProgrammer >>:

У меня? :))) Спорят только со мной. Мне вообще лень с кем-то сприть, да и не зачем. Но хочешь давай с тобой поспорим - выдвигай идею?
Смешно, я двигаю идеи и еще кого-то тролю. Достали дилетанты . Прием во всем. От программирования до трейдинга. Ну теперь пожалуй я займусь тем что буду искать бред от наиболее активный местных дилетантов и тыкать носом пока не просветлеют. :)) Буду гнобить за тупость - хотя раньше был добр и прощал ... Ну хватит. :))

Well, don't get so hot... If you've noticed, I never argue with you. I read, note the useful things for myself, and skip the rest. And do not even begin to poke your nose, although the field is immense. Even a cursory analysis of the forum shows that those who need to be nudged have impenetrable thick skins, while the sane ones need only tactfully show the weak points of their arguments.
You'll be looking at Granit for a long time for nonsense
granit77 писал(а) >>
Well, don't get so hot... If you've noticed, I never argue with you. I read, mark for myself what is useful, skip the rest. And don't even begin to poke your nose in, although the field is immense. Even a cursory analysis of the forum shows that those who need to be nudged have impenetrable thick skins, while the sane ones need only tactfully show the weak points of their arguments.

Sustained. :)) I'm getting a little bit bitter today. :)) Yeah, well, flights are cancelled, the bastards. There's a volcano in Europe. :))

Mischek >>:
Ну у Гранита ты будешь долго бред искать

My gypsy luck is that I stay out of intelligent conversations with my steamroller technician.

SProgrammer >>:

Принято. :)) Что-то я сегодня озлобился. :)) Да ну - рейсы отменяют, сволочи. Вулкан там какой-то в Европе. :))
