Is autotrading possible with a DC using Metatrader? - page 10

New DC (also overseas) - old problems. If you notice the following - when replaying the demo or real in the tester appear new trades that you did not have, then you probably have a temporarily disconnected quotation stream. So far the common denominator of the problems is MT4 (and of course my ekspert, although I have no reason to suspect it).

Why are you guessing on coffee grounds as to who is at fault here? Take and check all the key points (communication, code hang-up, DC problem, etc.). It seems to be a simple thing.

Andrei01 >>:

А шо спрашивается тут гадать на кофейной гуще кто именно тут виноват. Возьмите и проверьте все ключевые моменты (связь, зависание кода, проблема ДЦ и т.п.). Вроде вещь не сложная.

I am not guessing, I am checking. I can't tell the difference between a DC and Metatrader problem, can you?


I kind of suggested a few options at the beginning. For example, you can check the connection with the brokerage company by placing and cancelling a long position. If it was placed and cancelled, it means there is a connection. If there is no receipt of quotes in MetaTrader - loop an empty Expert Advisor that checks that the first Expert Advisor trades (exchange through global variables). Also we need to compare tick volumes - what comes in and our own. The access to the Internet can be checked, for example, by sending an email.

Andrei01 >>:

Вроде как еще вначале предложил несколько вариантов. Например, связь с ДЦ можно проверить с выставлением и отменой дальней отложки. Если выставилось и отменилось значит связь есть. Про неприход котировок в МТ - повесит рядом пустой зацикленный эксперт который проверяет что первый эксперт торгует (обмен через глобальные перменные). Выход в инет можно проверять например отсылкой мэйла.

I don't think anything practical has been suggested yet. Are you suggesting to place and remove a pending order for each pair every couple of minutes (based on M1)? The variant with global variables - I do not see how it is better than checking the log entry. You don't need to check logging to the internet if you've read that other pairs work. What I will do next - I will hang a light EA for each interesting pair, which only logs the arrival of quotes and will read it using external means. The problem with the Expert Advisor is then at least eliminated.

Choomazik >>:

1. Вы отложку по каждой паре каждые пару минут предлагаете выставлять и убирать (исхожу из М1)?

2. Вариант с глобальными переменными - не вижу чем он лучше проверки записи в логе.

1. did i say you have to do it all the time? Check only when you suspect it, even if it's every minute - if you want to know the reason and don't have to beat around the bush and guess by coffee grounds.

2. With logging more work and it works slower.

Andrei01 >>:

1. А я разве сказал что это нужно делать постоянно? Проверять только когда есть подозрение, ну хоть и каждую минуту - если есть желание узнать причину и шоб не ходить вокруг да около.

2. С записью в логе возьни больше и работает медленнее.

Thanks for the tips, I'll update you.