Is autotrading possible with a DC using Metatrader? - page 6

Choomazik >>:
А если спросите в чем дело, то скажут - у нас все хорошо, мы исполняем все что прикажете, вот логи....

There is no need to jump to conclusions - it is a purely legal question as to whether the terminal logs can be accepted as evidence by a court. It is far from certain that the court will side with the Metakvots if they claim that you have tampered with their logs.

Andrei01 писал(а) >>

There is no need to jump to conclusions - it is a purely legal question as to whether the terminal logs can be accepted as evidence by a court. It is far from certain that the court will side with the Metacvots if they claim that you have tampered with their logs.

Perhaps, only it's not a question of Metaquotes, but a kind of *, across several borders...
Choomazik >>:

Возможно, только речь не о Метаквотах, а о неком *, через несколько границ...

It's not a problem at all. You can sue all the parties involved and it will sort out exactly who is to blame and who is to be sent to which warm countries... ) ))

Choomazik >>:

Кстати, может кому-то известен експерт, который помогает отследить неподачу котировок? Хотел бы проверить ДЦ на вшивость.

Well, in the neighbouring thread you can find the code for exchanging quotes between terminals.

Andrei01 писал(а) >>

1. Read the first paragraph of the law carefully. What exactly you call those who carry out transactions on your behalf with securities or whatever they call themselves is not important,

And what kind of a DC carries out operations with securities?
>> The question is rhetorical, no need to answer, moreover to resume the discussion about CA. CFD - are not securities.
In any case you cannot call a broker without an appropriate license.
Now read about bookmakers and their activities. When you trade with a brokerage company, you are actually betting on the rise or fall of currencies or other assets.
In fact, not even the price of the assets themselves, but the interpretation of the price that the DC thinks is appropriate at the time.
It is the betting licences that allow the VC to quote at will, filtering and delaying the quotes as they see fit.
And you de facto agree to all of this mess by signing (sometimes without even reading) the rules.

goldtrader >>:

1. И какой же ДЦ совершает операции с ценными бумагами?
Вопрос риторический, отвечать не надо, тем более скатываться к обсуждению ДЦ. CFD - это не ценные бумаги.
2. В любом случае нельзя называть брокером того кто не имеет соответствующей лицензии.
3. А теперь прочтите о букмекерах и их деятельности. Торгуя через ДЦ, Вы фактически делаете ставки на рост/падение курса валют или других активов.
Фактически даже не цены самих активов, а той интерпретации цены, которая на взгляд ДЦ в данный момент уместна.
Именно букмекерские лицензии позволяют ДЦ котировать как угодно, фильтруя и задерживая котировки на своё усмотрение.
4. И со всем этим беспределом Вы де-факто соглашаетесь, подписывая (порой даже не читая) регламент.

1. Read the wiki about securities and their types (basic and derivative) and the rhetorical question will disappear by itself.

2. Don't be ridiculous, if you follow your logic, a driver without a licence is no longer a driver and therefore allowed to do anything. )))

3. the answer in the first paragraph - any form of securities management falls under the law of the brokerage.

4. If the contract contravenes applicable law, the law takes precedence, not what you have signed.


Thanks for the science. )))
As soon as you buy/sell at least one security (toilet paper doesn't count) through a DC, please post here.

You have the terminal log as proof. But the log is in text format and easily faked,<br / translate="no">
What kind of proof is that... Unless it's for the CRUFD.
It's simple: he who pays, dances the girl. Customers pay, i.e. DC. The supplier ("girl") is Metacquotes.
Surely one of the most important requirements of the customers was that everything must be done in such a way that nothing can be proven. In particular, the logs are in text format, unprotected.
And no one will go through the logs of the server side of the terminal, because they are also easy to fix retroactively.
Work with reliable and trusted brokerage houses and don't use any tricks that brokerage houses don't like.
Mathemat писал(а) >>
What kind of proof is that... Unless it's for the CRUFD.
It's simpler here: he who pays, dances the girl. Customers pay, i.e. DTs. The supplier ("girl") is Metacquotes.
Surely one of the most important requirements of the customers was that everything must be done in such a way that nothing can be proven. In particular, the logs are in text format, unprotected.
And no one will go through the logs of the server side of the terminal, because they are also easy to fix retroactively.
Work with reliable and trusted brokerage houses and don't use any tricks that brokerage houses don't like.

Share the info in your personal info box :)

Mathemat >>:
Наверняка в качестве одного из важнейших требований заказчиков было выдвинуто такое: надо сделать все так, чтобы ничто не было доказательством. В частности, логи - в текстовом формате, незащищенные.
Well, if you think it is certain, then there is a "criminal conspiracy for illicit gain" )).
Again, it is far from a fact that the mere fact that the log is unprotected means that it has necessarily been tampered with. The whole legal question is who in such a case must prove that the log was not tampered with. The information falsification by the way is a violation of law itself by submitting false information to court and so it seems logical that such claim (if any) has to be proved by the defendants, which is impossible due to the same reason of unprotected logging. Well if it is not proven, there is a presumption of innocence.