A script to close all open orders. - page 13

SofTAA писал(а) >>

Nothing surprising, history contributes, that's why I said there's no point in counting it). History is well in the plus so the script says that to reach breakeven you have to drain)))

I have solved similar problems many times, I wish I had the skill, desire and experience, but the result will come :)

sever29 >>:

неоднократно решал подобные задачи, было бы умение, желание и опыт, а результат сам прийдет.

You can offer your own way of calculating b/w, because the current situation reflects the situation, but it's not right (IMHO). As a variant it is possible to make that if history in profit it should not be taken into account.

SofTAA писал(а) >>

1. In general, can you offer your own version of the b/u calculation because what is now certainly reflects the situation, but is somehow wrong (IMHO). 2. As an option it is possible to make, that if history in profit it should not be considered.

1.I agree, it's wrong somehow. It is striking that b/u does not take into account the type of open position. After all, if we are in general +, then b/u should be positioned e.g. below the current buy, but if in -, then above.
2. no, it's OK.

sever29 >>:

Согласен, как-то неверно. Бросается в глаза, что б/у не учитывает вид открытой позы. Ведь если мы в общем +, то б/у должен располагается например ниже текущего бай, а если в -, то выше.

B/c it takes into account the type of pose, at least it should)


opened a new account, easily took it to a loss :) included multibuy, it's at the bottom of the bai, and should be at the top. The same with simple b/u.

sever29 >>:

открыл новый счет, с легкостью увел его в убыток:) включил мульти б/у, он внизу бая, а должен быть вверху. Тоже самое и с простым б/у.

It's hard to draw conclusions from the history. Send all the logs and a picture to me.

SofTAA писал(а) >>

History is well on the plus side so the script says that to reach breakeven you have to drain)))

it's ok, there is a margin of safety:)


Hi. Free? Shall we continue?:)

We have two "buy" and "sell" scripts, which when there are opposing, to their name, positions:) close them with an overlap and open the position corresponding to their name:) We implemented this. The next task was to determine and display on the chart the breakeven level of the required time period from a specific date in history to the present time, taking into account current and closed positions from the "Account History" tab. You got it :)

Here... to solve the last problem, a third script was used (b/w), which did not display the b/w level correctly.

In this connection, the suggestion: limit ourselves to two scripts (buy and sell), and the starting time of counting of time period, the level of b/w work, in which we would like to see on the current chart, set in the code of these scripts. In other words, we set the date (mint, hour, day, month, year) in the scripts' code before working in Meta-Unit and compile them. Every time you "drop" a script onto a chart, it will draw a horizontal break-even line in addition to its main function.

If, based on the results of work on the time interval we analyzed, the line of b/u should be placed in the direction of the newly opened position. If, following the results of a profit, the line b/y, on the opposite side from the direction of the open position.

My robot is not closing orders, even though it's working fine in the Strategy Tester.
My robot is not closing orders, even though it's working fine in the Strategy Tester. What could be the problem?

There are two solutions:

a) Contact the "Battle of the Psychics".
b) Post the code.