A script to close all open orders. - page 12

SofTAA писал(а) >>
See in the private box there's a surprise for you)

I'm afraid to open it, what is it? A picture of my face while working with the script?

sever29 >>:

боюсь открывать, че там? фото моей физиономии, при работе с скриптом?

It's not as bad as you think, there's a version that sets the breakeven level on several charts, so when you run it again the level is re-set.

SofTAA писал(а) >>

It's not as bad as you think, there's a version that sets the breakeven level on several charts, so when you run it again the level is re-set.

>> got it, we'll see.


great, but it's without the multi b/c

sever29 >>:

великолепно, но эт без мульти б/у

Well, yes, the multi b/o is not available in this version.


a little unclear... does the b/l level take into account the type of current position and profit/loss on it?

sever29 >>:

малость непонятно... уровень б/у учитывает вид текущей позы?

The breakeven level is counted for closed and open ores.

SofTAA писал(а) >>

The breakeven level is calculated for closed and open ores.

It's too easy, so it's not right:) opened buy, threw the script - b/lower, closed buy, opened sit, threw the script, again b/l lower...

sever29 >>:

как-то слишком легко, а значит не правильно:) открыл бай кинул скрипт- б/у ниже, закрыл бай, открыл сел, кинул скрипт, снова б/у ниже...

Nothing surprising, history contributes, that's why I said there's no point in counting it). History is well on the plus side so the script says that to reach breakeven you have to lose)))

SofTAA писал(а) >>

No surprise, history contributes, that's why I basically said there's no point in counting it)

I don't think it's to blame:) the level doesn't take into account, the kind of open pose. I for example have a sit down position, b/w below, so based on historical data and the current situation, I'm in OVERALL loss. Immediately I close the sell and open buy, I throw the script, b / o level is again at the bottom, why? it should spread above the buy!