Probability, how do you turn it into a pattern ...? - page 43

Turka >>:
В Ялте песни, в Ялте пляс!
Веселятся в Ялте!
Разгадали в Ялте враз,
Форекса загадки!

Приезжайте к нам зимой
Приезжайте летом
Всех научим в выходной
богатеть на этом

Вот собравшись в дальний путь
и купив билеты
У порога узнаю
то что демки это!

нет так дело не пойдёт

чемодан обратно
впредь товарищь дорогой
выражайся внятно!

Нас на дему не купить
не вспугнуть Бернулли
нам бабосов бы настричь
чтоб потом вернули

С демо счётом дорогой
вечно будет пусто
если умный ты такой
где твоя капуста???


sever29 >>:
в Ал...ри не хватает gbp/nzd, как ее можно увидеть в терминале?

No way. Due to the low liquidity of the pair, they have a principled decision that it does not and will not exist. You could try SGD - there seems to be a complete package with it.

Yalta in April is nice...
"News from Yalta."
There! That's the key! Indeed, we were originally promised "A session of black magic with its full disclosure". But, as described in the classic, the trick technique was left out of the picture.
One could have guessed it. As Sochi sounded, so immediately.
It is spring. Preparations for Walpurgis Night are in full swing. Somewhere the writings of the black-hearted Bruce are being refreshed, here... voodoo is being practiced in the Sochi way. Masha doll, Misha doll...
Why are you all so hung up on the Yalta forum? Did anyone even ask you to go there? It's a completely different topic, if anything...
you've started a flurry, you've continued the banter, you're losing interest...
Turka писал(а) >>
как отличить демку от реала?

Mathemat wrote (a) >>.
No way. There are even top-up demos available now. I think Fibo has them.

Not true yours, Alexey.
Assuming the state has not been corrected, the differences are as follows:
1. In the demo account value the account owner may be specified by nickname or nickname. (for example Neveteran as here). On the real account only human name, first name and possibly patronymic.
2. Most of the times the registration and replenishment method is different on the demo account and on the real account. 3.
If you have not registered for a real account, then you cannot trade on a real account. 3.
4. You can roughly estimate the account number, opening a demo in the same brokerage company, that is in the report header. As a rule, demo accounts have greater numbering than the real ones.
5. If the account number in the statement is easy to correct, then ALL ticket numbers need a strong motivation to correct. In the same way you can compare numbers of tickets with these on the demo DC's server in the header.
6. On real accounts there is a monthly accrual of %% on the deposit, I have not seen this on the demo.
Once again I repeat that all this can be adjusted in the statement. But a sensible man will not turn a real live account into a demo one.
That Misha's and Masha's shares are from demo accounts is beyond doubt. And for sure the topicstarter will confirm it.
goldtrader >>:

6. На реальных счетах ежемесячно производится начисление %% на депозит, на демо такого не видел.
I have come across. MoneyRain demo - every month neatly. I am still amazed. Apparently they consider it a good advertisement for real money.
Trade strictly a candle, say D1, at the opening of the candle open trade, at the opening of the next close. Buying on EURUSD gives a profit of 50%, buying on USDJPY gives a profit of 50%. What is the profit percentage when selling EURGBP?
SB has been cleared up. There is no point in hedging on bundles of random iterations. Simply: if we have 100 random increments -1 and 1 independent from each other, it makes no sense to expect that approximately 50 of them will be higher than the initial state, and 50 below the initial state (or rather, their total effect will not tend to zero).
But the market is not SB. I wonder if you can get stationarity by closing the instruments to each other. I quote:
Bottom line - вот такой набор (if you also weigh lot sizes against the relative value of currencies - ideally) will indeed always total around the equilibrium point, equal to the -Sum of spreads.

Gardenn 23.03.2010 18:02

Here's a thought : we take 7 major currencies, respectively we have 21 pairs of them.

We do a "buy" and "sell" balancing for them with the following assumptions:
1) USD and JPY, EUR and GBP, AUD and CAD - we consider them to be close in correlation. So if, for example, EUR is sold to USD, GBP to USD should be bought, etc.
2) Each currency is involved in 6 pairs - respectively in 3 of them it is sold, in 3 others it is bought.
3) Frank becomes a kind of a "closing thunderbolt" - it forms a closed micro-cycle in each two currencies from point 1.


Expert opinion is welcome.
goldtrader >>:

...То что стейты Мишы и Маши с демо-счетов не вызывает сомнений.

So what? Let's say you got yourself a giver(s) to study. Would you give them a real account on a test paper?