Probability, how do you turn it into a pattern ...? - page 37

sever29 >>:

Заметте, что некоторые ветки вызывают резонанс. Какими характеристиками они обладают? Нестандартность, непопулярность, противоречивость, (иногда) эксклюзивность, новаторство и простота, граничащая с примитивизмом и(или) гениальностью. И не обязательно они будут "профитны". Но во всех есть зерно, которое некоторые пытаются посадить в землю и взрастить, другие- съесть, третьи- выкинуть на помойку, четвертые- расковырять его перечинным ножичком и посмотреть что там в нутри. И кто знает, кто из них нашел ПРАВИЛЬНОЕ применение зернышку?

It's not a music forum, this one's jazz, this one's chanson
What's easier to prove with a fact
And who knows which one has found the RIGHT use for the seed? <br / translate="no">
sever29, well I see others and observe. moskitman, dentraf were also constructive.

Neveteran, how are your bulldogs doing?


It's all very much like a publicity stunt! When they show and tell you one thing, but de facto you get something else.

And the aim is only one, to mislead, in order to get what you want!!!! Life is not a gift......

Mischek писал(а) >>

It's not a music forum, this one's jazz, this one's chanson.
>> it's easier to prove a fact

Yeah, it's not musical, but it's free. If he wants to prove it, he'll prove it, and if he doesn't... he'll try to prove it, and if he doesn't want to... let's fly to Yalta or wherever he conducts seminars:)
dentraf >>:

Все это очень похоже на рекламный трюк! когда показывают и говорят про одно, а де факто получаешь другое

А цель только одна, ввести в заблуждение, с целью получить нужное!!!! Жизнь не подарок......

I wonder what the author's motives are. He hasn't asked anyone for anything yet, as far as I know :)

Belford >>:

Neveteran, как поживают ваши бульдоги?

Thank you very much.
Suzy's scheduled mating this weekend. I'm really hoping it's the last one.

Magnatis писал(а) >>

I wonder what the author's motives are. So far he hasn't asked anything from anyone as far as I know :)

It's easiest if he asks for something - which is not professional. It's more professional if they ask him. And believe me, there are plenty of them.)


Thanks a lot to the author anyway! I've looked at the whole mess from a different perspective. don't expect an answer to my question---- it's stupid

Mathemat >>:
sever29, ну я вижу других и наблюдаю. moskitman, dentraf ведь тоже были конструктивны.

I would like to stay and to stay among constructive participants in general, but either my patience is wearing thin or I've got carried away with a penknife...
I cannot get over the picture from p.28, I habitually continue it in my mind, and I get excited just thinking about how far apart the "extremities" above and below are, how unstable the lines are, in the MIDDLE and in the TIME, if you like, the distribution of their "ends" tends to be uniform. And I'm sure the author is exploiting this very idea, but how and what the timing of the first cycle has to do with it is still a mystery to me. ((