Probability, how do you turn it into a pattern ...? - page 27

I didn't get a round of applause, they called me a crook and made me learn the theory of probability...


There are 27 forex pairs on Al...ri, is there more? Without the exotic ones, like the ruble.

But it is interesting how the author works: if we have gained enough profit, we take it all and go home. The opposite is not considered at all, although it is also probable - we lost a big sum from the very beginning, we are in the red, no profit fixing is out of the question. And what then? There are no stops. My guess is to sit tight...
Choomazik писал(а) >>
But it is interesting how the author works: if we have gained enough profit, we take it all and go home. The opposite is not considered at all, though it is also probable - we lost a big sum from the very beginning, we are in the red, no profit fixing is out of the question. And what then? My guess is to sit tight...

which I'm doing, the drawdown is down from 100 to 25... in the money

sever29 >>:

что и делаю, просадка с 100 уменьшилась до 25... в деньгах

hopefully not in real life :) But if it is, the loss is not limited in any way... I would not recommend investing in such a fund.

sever29 писал(а) >>

There are 27 forex pairs on Al...ri, is there more? Without the exotic ones, like the ruble.

I think Broco has more...
Choomazik >>:

надеюсь не в реальных :) Но если так, то убыток никак не ограничен... Я бы в такой фонд денег вкладывать не рекомендовал.

Stolen aircraft (someone else's vehicle)
They took off, according to the instructions in the magazine, but the landing is in the next issue of the magazine...))
enough fuel for 24 hours (cycle periods according to the author's logic), then planning
Turka >>:

Угнали самолёт (чужую ТС)
взлететь то влетели, по инструкции в журнале, а приземление в следующем номере журнала...)))

Turka, I'm just reading the instructions in the cloakroom, not going to fly :)

Choomazik писал(а) >>

hopefully not in real life :) But if it is, the loss is not limited in any way... I wouldn't recommend investing in such a fund.

of course dema. Asked a question there, I will answer it myself - yes, 27 pairs, no exotics (turkey, israel, norway, russia, etc.). It may be so... These currency pairs hedge each other (amount, value of a pip), oscillations aside from the equilibrium point may occur due to the fact that some strong participants of the 27 group (G 27) go up or down from time to time, the rest part catches up with them and so on. But the most important thing is that there is an equilibrium point and there is a return to it in any case.
So I bought all 27, let's see what the max + and - will be and whether there will be a tendency towards 0.