Probability, how do you turn it into a pattern ...? - page 12

Neveteran писал(а) >>

Why probability?

... understanding the consequences of chaotic processes, and exploits the most persistent tendency, the chaotic tendency to destabilise.

"The probability of any event occurring can be predicted with relative accuracy, but that it will happen can be taken as an absolute regularity."

1 ... BROWN MOTION - one could agree.
2 with RELATIVE accuracy == RELATIVE inaccuracy

Mischek >>:
А может дело просто в пурге
Если поверить стартеру, он оседлал рандом, Перельман просто отдыхает
Я уже молчу про то что рынок у него рандом

Svinozavr 23.03.2010 00:56 Volodya, what's that got to do with it? There are normal suggestions/discussions and there is, as in this case, a session of obscurantism.
I don't give a damn about teacher's notes etc, as long as there is something to discuss.
It's just that the author has the wrong audience. A cult meeting is just around the corner.

Well, it's nothing, it's nothing. :) I agree. :) Let's consider it my personal projection....


Choomazik писал(а) >> A pattern is constantly repeating by definition, so its probability is 1.

What pattern in forex repeats all the time with probability =1? and even more so by definition....

LeoV >>:

Какая закономерность на Форексе повторяется постоянно с вероятностью =1? и тем более по определению....

the patterns are there, they can't help but eat, one of them :

non-compliance with MM = plum

LeoV >>:

Какая закономерность на Форексе повторяется постоянно с вероятностью =1? и тем более по определению....

As many as you like!
With a probability of one:
- Price will move from where it is now.
- Price will return to where it is now.
We just have to wait.

timbo >>:

Да сколько угодно!
С вероятностью единица:
- Цена cдвинется с того уровня, где она находится сейчас.
- Цена вернётся к уровню, где она сейчас.
Надо только подождать.

the second pattern is suspicious
LeoV >>:

Какая закономерность на Форексе повторяется постоянно с вероятностью =1? и тем более по определению....

A birthday greeting will arrive in the post from DC. )))

artikul >>:

От ДЦ на почту придет поздравление с днем рождения. )))

A subtle, good joke.

LeoV писал(а) >>

What pattern in forex repeats all the time with probability =1? and even more so by definition....

Independently of forex:

there's the paradox of a pattern there, and earlier in the thread I recalled a player error that the author of the thread, as on me, stubbornly ignores.

Choomazik писал(а) >>
the player's mistake

if you read the article carefully, you will notice that there is a caveat - the coin is normal.
Probability describes our knowledge of the system. If it is zero, then the a priori probability of one or the other coming out for us as an observer before the first trial is 0.5, even if the coin is actually crooked. But when we toss a coin 10 times and get a certain result, e.g. 10 tails, then we (notice, without looking at the coin itself) can already conclude that with such and such probability the coin is crooked and 10 tails is a legitimate result, and with such and such probability the coin is straight and 10 tails is just a random outlier of the binomial distribution.