Probability, how do you turn it into a pattern ...? - page 11

and I'm more interested in time as a strategy factor, why is the harvest period 3 to 24 hours, also primitive logic?
getch >>:

Задача с весовыми коэффициентами решается, как система линейных уравнений.
Если представить, что количество доступных торговых инструментов равно одному, то идея топикстартера - чистый мартин.

Одновременная работа на портфеле торговых инструментов - это почти работа на одном синтетическом (как портфель всех торговых инструментов) торговом инструменте. Т.е. это почти мартин.

Yeah - that's what I'm talking about.

Now, really, "cycle memory" is a "thing"! )))

Svinozavr >>:

Что, включая наплевательство на ТА, ты там увидел нового? Что, такого не было, когда принципиально от балды входили в рынок, локировались, усреднялись?

I didn't see anything new, other than you not caring, Peter. Don't I see that the equity curve will have to catch up with the balance curve all the time? I was just surprised at the massiveness of inputs, on the basis of which the author is trying to prove that he has made something new. And at the same time he tries to teach us how to properly understand probability.

sever29 писал(а) >>

people have cycles, why shouldn't the market have them.

I was just... trying to be funny.

Resurrection of Nirobka in a new skin. Gentlemen, but what do you see, a serious people and such interest in this thread.

The author himself does not understand what he says, but we can try to help him. The first question that must be answered: "What is the market pattern that will generate profits?"Everything that the author describes refers to order opening and closing. It mentions that the execution time is an important factor and it supposedly indirectly indicates something that is more likely to move prices in one direction than in the other. If you can go into more detail about this.

It's hard to understand the aggressiveness of a community that tends to be patient and tactful in far more conflictual situations. Is this a mass PMS or who gave the command?

Well yes, the author expresses himself vaguely, does not explain his terms, does not give specific information. But on the other hand behaves correctly, does not suffer from delusions of grandeur, does not say anything about the great general theory, secrets of Forex and other nonsense. He had a right to tell everything he had not told. And it's hard to put a word in between these attacks.

So what is the problem? If you don't understand something, ask a question, if you're interested.

Well, no. It's a real drag with all the doctors around here. And everyone's in a hurry to give their own diagnosis. Like, "I don't need to listen to this nonsense, I know everything." Not good, though.

By the way, leaking TCs is not a rarity but a regularity on this forum. It is unlikely anyone will remember at least one profitable one for all time of its existence. So why all the excitement and drooling?

And then Jura shows up, all in white, the standard of political correctness ....
Yura, what's the problem with calling bullshit bullshit?
There is nothing to be ashamed of not knowing something or not knowing how to do it.
There is nothing to be ashamed of having less than average intelligence, nor is it wrong to be proud of having more than average meanderings, for in both cases this is neither the fault nor the merit of its owner.
But when a pioneer starts to enlighten, talking gibberish, promising another seminar at which he will tell you how to earn money for money ......
Yurixx >>:
Так с чего такой ажиотаж и брызганье слюной ?

It's an involuntary reaction. In this case, "delusions of grandeur & teacher syndrome."

This happens when a person suppresses some inclination in him/herself, considering it immoral, and seeing someone else, thinks that the other person is wrong by definition, because he/she is obliged to suppress it (the same inclination) in himself/herself due to the same "obvious" moral considerations.

And mental rationalizations to your attitude are always in store, like: "A true guru must be humble! ". /* like me :) */ "If he's not modest, he's not a real Goura, he's an impostor. Attack him!"

In this case, I am calm about what is going on. For I have not been trying to suppress megalomania or syndrome of teachers for a long time. Let them bloom if they like it... :) And I'll entertain myself with them at my leisure. All the more so because it's useless anyway - you can tell greatness from a mile away...! :))

By the way, you're here to suppress the baiting and drooling... Fits the same pattern. Don't you think?


MetaDriver >>:

Это реакция непроизвольная. В данном случае на "манию величия & синдром учительства".

Такое бывает когда человек в себе какую-то склонность подавляет, считая аморальной, и видя у кого-то, считает что другой неправ по определению, ибо её (ту же склонность) в себе подавлять обязан из тех же "очевидных" моральных соображений.

Ну и рационализации умственные своему отношению всегда в запасе, например: "Настоящий гура должон быть скромен! ". /* типа как Я :) */ "А ежли нескромен - то эт ненастоящий гура, а вовсе самозванец. Ату его!".

Я вот в данном случае спокойно отношусь к происходящему. Ибо давно не пытаюсь подавлять у себя ни манию величия, ни синдром учительства. Пущай себе цветут ежли им нравитца... :) А я ими на досуге развлекаться буду. Тем более что всё равно бесполезно - величие оно за версту видно..! :))

Кстати, вот ты тут травлю и брызганье слюной подавлять взялся... В эту же схему вписывается.. Не находишь?


Or maybe it's just a blizzard.
If you believe the starter, he's saddled with random, Perelman is a joke.
Not to mention the fact that his market is random.
Volodya, what does this have to do with anything? There are normal suggestions/discussions and, as in this case, a session of obscurantism.
I don't give a damn about teacher's notes etc, as long as there is something to discuss.
It's just that the author has the wrong audience. A cult meeting is just around the corner.