Avalanche - page 354

OlegTs писал(а) >>

So I agree, and baltik yesterday agreed (I think), and today look how the guy is crippled, judging by the uneven movement and miss on the keyboard - our baltik seems to be stoned ...

Come on, you can't answer for yourself. Why are you trying to answer for me? ....

Who are you and where was your daddy before you got so smart all of a sudden, let's make you like you were.... in 20 minutes.

or else everyone will think you're really worth something. .... ew!

You've got

IP CALL today >5 efuck.com

- >> do it yourself or rj.

arnautov писал(а) >>
It's hot and no rain. Bad without rain. :(

>> it's okay.
khorosh писал(а) >>

I've written about all this before. All right, I'll repeat it for you. I made variants that when tested showed no drain for 2 years, and have previously posted these graphs.


khorosh >>:

Я не знаю как обезопасить себя от маржинкола, когда меня не будет у компа и цена быстро пойдет в неблагоприятном направлении. Если Вам известен способ, то приму эту информацию с благодарностью. А пока собираюсь аккумулировать снятую прибыль на другом торговом счёте.

baltik >>:

It's silly to figure out the logic from a screenshot when it's been pretty much described in Katana's posts and mine.
khorosh писал(а) >>
It's stupid to unravel logic from a screenshot when it's been pretty much described in Katana's posts and mine.

It's stupid to look in the mirror
khorosh писал(а) >>
Stop Loss should be set at a level lower than the maximum drawdown on history. As the drawdown is large, its triggering will lead to losing most of the deposit. Small stoploss will be triggered often and will eat up all profits and can even lead to gradual withdrawal of the deposit. Therefore I have decided: let the stop-loss be a margin call.

Hey... why you're getting so excited,huh?

You can't get a word out of you, Uncle, but you're drinking like a Mayan divergence on a minute....

baltik >>:

Слыш... ти....чЁ так расшебетался аааа

то из вас Дядя слова не вытянеш а то Вы спиваете как мая дивергенция на часовике....

Drink some cucumber brine, it helps :-)))
khorosh >>:
Стоплосс должен ставиться на уровне ниже чем максимальная просадка на истории. Поскольку просадка большая, то срабатывание его приведёт к сливу большей части депозита. Маленький стоплосс будет часто срабатывать и съест всю прибыль и даже может привести к постепенному сливу депо. Поэтому решил: пусть стопом будет маржинколл.

You asked and I answered.

khorosh >>:

I don't know how to protect myself from margin call when I am away from my computer and the price moves quickly in an unfavourable direction


If you know the way, I will accept this information with gratitude. I am going to accumulate my withdrawal profit in another trading account.


Calculate the level of "margin" for a conditional part of a deposit - the basics of MM. :)

Just then the "excuses" :o) won't work even on a tester.


khorosh писал(а) >>
Stupid to figure out the logic from a screenshot, when it has been pretty much described in Katana's posts and mine.

We don't take the easy way out...

Come and fish with us, it's only a gusher...

on a rubber band, 30-50 a day...

Knowing the herring's minutiae, I took a screenshot.

