Avalanche - page 302

E_mc2 писал(а) >>

Go sleep it off, you're not in a sane state.) >> I can't even read your posts diagonally.)

Why are you pissed off?) Or are you getting greedy for my lucrative trade?) Well, check it out again. I just closed one profitable trade, got 10 pips while you were sneezing on bogs, theorist optimizer )))) I would have missed it ;- It seems to be going up every 4 hours) but I will let you check it tomorrow when you are sleepy))


Look, not bad.) And most importantly, without the drawdown is so pretty.)

Whatever you say, bro....

I'll change my nickname from "Purgomet" to "DEMO-SQUEAKER".


Instead of... ♪ demo pinch ♪ you'd better read my posts and see if you get some sense. ))))))))))

E_mc2 >>:
Какой же Вы практик??? --- такой же как и ты теоретик)))))

" ... Out of two hundred and thirty posts choose ..."

Hot Estonian guys - the posts are already over 300, though.

lasso >>:

Ну, как скажете, братело....

Меняю Вам кликуху "Пургомет" на "ДЕМО-ЩИПАЧ".


Вместо того что бы на демо щипать, лучше бы мои посты почитал - глядишь бы поумнел реально. ))))))))))

I can't believe it, it's funny))) Says the man who can not even show a demo zamonitorenyya))) I'm a demo man. Don't you even have a demo on your monitor? At least show me a demo on Onyx.) Just to level up our positions. Cause you're not even good right now. A total zero. Can't even show a demo.)

Look at this guy... You're talking shit, you're calling demos, but you can't even show a demo)))) Or don't optimizing theorists show a demo?))).

And playing the demo, I'll get more sense than reading posts by optimizer theorists))))))))

tara писал(а) >>

" . .. Out of two hundred and thirty posts choose ..."

Hot Estonian guys, the posts are already over 300, though.

Everybody keep an eye out.... )))

Where did you get the number 230? Ah-ah-???? )))

E_mc2 писал(а) >>

Oh I can't believe it, thanks a lot)))) And this says a man who can not even show a demo zamonitoreny))). Okay, I'm a demo man. And you do not even have a demo on the monitor?) At least show me a demo on Onyx.) Just to level up our positions) You are now completely useless. A complete zero. Can't even show you a demo.)

Look at this guy, he's calling people dems, but he can't even show a demo)))) Or optimizing theorists do not even get to the demo...?)))

1) You're not a dem, don't flatter yourself, you're a mediocre jerk. And now, at half past four in the morning, I've realised that..... But better late than never....

2) Also, I finally realized your great dream - to compare with me. )) Unfortunately, the next ten years, to equalize our positions will not succeed.

Even if I freeze the demo on Onyx especially for your ego.

Therefore I will not do it. Sorry.


Oleg, I have never had the pleasure of humiliating people. Believe me. I'm not being sarcastic right now.

I've humiliated you in public and enough. You contributed to it.

I'm sorry.

I don't want to continue this stupid show with you.

If you don't respond to this post, I promise never to respond to you either....

I hope you understand.

lasso >>:

1) Вы не демщик, не льстите себе, Вы - заурядный придурок. И вот сейчас, в половине четвертого ночи, я это понял..... Но лучше поздно чем никогда....

2) Ещё, я наконец-то понял Вашу заветную мечту - сравняться со мной. )) К сожалению, ближайшие десять лет, уровнять наши позиции не удастся.

Даже если я замониторю специально для Вашего Эго демку на Ониксе.

Поэтому делать этого не буду. Извините.


Олег, мне никогда не доставляло удовольствия унижать людей. Поверьте. Я сейчас не ерничаю.

Я Вас унизил прилюдно и предостаточно. Извините.

Не хочу более продолжать это глупейшее шоу с Вашим участием.

Если Вы не ответите на этот пост, обещаю так же никогда не отвечать вам....

Надеюсь Вы все поняли.

You are an empty-nester who does not even have a demo)). All your posts are one thing - everyone is a moron, you alone are cool and clever. I think it's funny when a man cannot even show a demo account... but he will write in his posts that he is very smart and wonderful.) He is a thoroughbred...He won't even show a lousy demo...but he will praise himself and will not forget to say that he is too far away from you. You are a real GURGOMET. Your posts are nothing but cheap self-propaganda. Where is your evidence base? Show us even a tiny lousy demo so that we can really understand how far away you are? How dare you come and say that you are far away from me, I'm a super guy... How super are you that you can't even show us a lousy demo? I mean, you're just an empty-headed chatterbox. You demanded a real report, you ask people for reports on their deals, you tell them how far away you are. What have you got to show for it? You're just saying you're so far away? Really, show me at least a demo. Not even that? You're just going to talk about how far away you are and how cool you are. You're just an empty-nester.

And you're really not going to start a demo. Usually people like you can only pay lip service to how clever they are. But in reality you have nothing to show even on the demo.


And here's a picture from me. It starts at $100. Other than that, it's similar.

p.s. tell me how to put a picture in the post? :)

kroha.4.3..rar  13 kb
rumata1984 >>:

А вот от меня картинка. Со 100$ стартует. В остальном - похоже.

п.с. подскажите, как картинку в пост вставлять? :)

Press the button with the mountain and the sun on it. Post the header of the report without the trades.

lasso писал(а) >>

Your post will take a long time to study...

But it will be exactly on page 300 - handy :)


Thank you all - learned :) For example, like this.

SymbolEURUSD (Euro vs US Dollar)
Period1 Minute (M1) 2010.04.20 00:00 - 2010.05.19 23:59 (2010.04.20 - 2010.05.20)
ModelAll ticks (most accurate method based on all smallest available timeframes)
Parameters_____1_____="EA Settings"; Klot=5; MaxNumberOfPos=1; Step=206; TakeProfit=5; TakeProfitForFirstClose=2; TakeProfitForFirstDeal=206; TrailingStep=1; Lot=0.01; MaxLot=3; PercentForClose=50; Start_Hour=0; Finish_Hour=24; _____2_____="Technical Settings"; MagicNumber=20081975; Slippage=30; NumberOfTry=5; gbDisabled=false; gbNoInit=false; UseSound=true; NameFileSound="expert.wav"; clOpenBuy=LightBlue; clOpenSell=LightCoral; clModifyBuy=LightBlue; clModifySell=LightCoral; clCloseBuy=LightBlue; clCloseSell=LightCoral; ShowComment=true; PrintEnable=true; AllMessages=true; SoundSuccess="ok.wav"; SoundError="timeout.wav";

Bars in history32261Modelled ticks1025956Simulation quality25.00%
Chart mismatch errors0

Initial deposit200.00

Net profit1282.59Total profit3255.33Total loss-1972.74
Profitability1.65Expected payoff1.21

Absolute drawdown162.87Maximum drawdown607.02 (45.14%)Relative drawdown90.80% (366.49)

Total trades1061Short positions (% win)553 (99.82%)Long positions (% win)508 (56.69%)

Profitable trades (% of all)840 (79.17%)Loss trades (% of all)221 (20.83%)
Largestprofitable trade77.90losing deal-277.75
Averageprofitable deal3.88Deal loss-8.93
Maximum numbercontinuous wins (profit)12 (32.26)Continuous losses (loss)2 (-11.07)
MaximumContinuous Profit (number of wins)316.28 (10)continuous loss (number of losses)-277.75 (1)
Averagecontinuous winnings4Continuous loss1