Avalanche - page 207

E_mc2 >>:

Клоун это не удвоение. Один ордер в одну сторону будет 0,1 а в другую будет 0,2. Если цена пойдёт в сторону второго ордера то первый ордер будет тянуть в убыток. То есть 0,2 - 0,1 = 0,1. Чистая позиция будет 0,1. ЧТо б было удвоение ордера нада лот 0,3)) Соответсвенно все остальные расчёты ниже по тексту полный бред))

If that's a response to Katana's post, it's a bullshit response. You either didn't understand anything from his post or you can't express your thoughts at all. You see, the post contains specific words (a word followed by a specific meaning, the post as a whole carries one message - and nothing more...the man said only what he said...full stop, for me the post is clear and transparent), from them you must dance and dance...Let me explain...Here you said - it is not doubling... What "it"? What does that have to do with doubling? "If the price goes towards the second" which second?(01 or 02?) "The first order will be taking a loss" - so what will be taking a loss (but 02 will be taking a profit) "The net position will be 0.1" - what net? "So there would be a doubling" - why would there be a doubling if the author is talking about stopping the avalanche? In general, you have some kind of opera playing in your head, and to understand you need to guess what's playing there. Learn to express your thoughts transparently. You cannot express your thoughts properly, so you do not understand others, getting angry and taking offence. You shout slogans against a theory that you can not refute, but you shout loudly, so you have gathered supporters around you, as at demonstrations, those who shout loudest follow them - a herd. A man confident in himself and his righteousness would never sink to such a low level. On the subject of the katana, I'll give you an idea... After I've learned about it I learned how to program in MQL, so my head was well trained. Although I've got avalanche on real account with 0.01 lots. I've got 0.5 -1 quid on average per day. I would need an EA that would remember its orders at startup and catch them.

Galina >>:
Я извиняюсь конечно, но первые Биржы были открыты еще при Перте Первом .
По крайней мере может они так и не назывались, но подобие их тогда уже точно было.

The first exchanges - maybe. But forex is a currency exchange. It wasn't until 1958 that most European countries announced free convertibility of their currencies.

Foxter >>:

Первые биржи - возможно. Но форекс - это валютная биржа. Лишь к 1958 Большинство европейских стран объявляют о свободной конвертируемости своих валют.

Oops, maybe I missed something? Just yesterday FOREX was an OTC market. Can you tell me when and who changed the status?

Good luck.


Yes, it is an off-exchange market, but they still get quotes from the exchanges. At least take a look at the session schedule :0)

Foxter >>:

Да, это вне биржевой рынок, но котировки - то все равно получают с бирж. Посмотрите хоть расписание сессий, что ли :0)

No way - that's the news .... and for how long ? And it is strange: ASHKUCH is open 24 hours a day and there is no exchange.... And where do the quotes come from when all the stock exchanges are closed? After America closes and before Asia opens, there's something moving there - that's a mishap .... And different quotes may be on the same pair at the same time in different dealing rooms ... for some reason so.....

Read the literature ;)..... At the same time it will be an opportunity to pay attention to what is the difference between exchange-traded and over-the-counter markets.... ;)

Good luck


Do you think that world currency quotes do not come from exchanges? That's ridiculous.

Foxter >>:

А Вы что, считаете, что котировки мировых валют поступают не с бирж? Это просто смешно.

Forex, like everything else, certainly depends on exchanges, but only indirectly... Currency quotes have nothing to do with exchanges. Absolutely... Nor do they have anything to do with exchange sessions... The schedule of exchange sessions is applicable to Forex only to the extent - that during these hours there is increased activity... Because this is the working time of traders and market makers in certain regions. There is no other connection with the exchanges.

"Forex is an international interbank market. Transactions are conducted through a system of institutions: central banks, commercial banks, investment banks, brokers and dealers, pension funds, insurance companies, multinational corporations, etc...." (C) Wikipedia.

Currency quotes are determined solely by supply and demand and the global and national economic situation. So the stock exchanges are clearly being dragged down here...
Foxter >>:

А Вы что, считаете, что котировки мировых валют поступают не с бирж? Это просто смешно.

А... That's certainly an argument ;)...
By the way - can you tell me the location of this exchange where the quotes for ASHKUCH are quoted and its work schedule ;) ?
But seriously - it does not matter what you or I think. The important thing is how the market functions and for some reason the textbooks on foreign exchange dealing say that this is not how it functions as you describe - well, quotes do not come from the stock exchanges to ASCSOC, although foreign exchange contracts are traded there - but not on the spot and not on margin.)

And so that it is not funny you should learn the basics.)

Good luck.
d22 >>:

если это ответ на пост катаны - то полный бред такой ответ. Ты либо ниче на понял из его поста или совсем не умеешь излагать свои мысли. Понимаешь, в посте конкретные слова (за словом конкретный смысл, в совокупности пост несет одну мысль - и ничего более...человек сказал только то что он сказал...точка, для меня пост ясен и прозрачен ), от них надо и плясать...Поясню...Вот ты сказал - это не удвоение.. Что "ЭТО"? При чем тут удвоение? "Если цена пойдёт в сторону второго" какого второго?(01 или 02?) "первый ордер будет тянуть в убыток" - и что что будет тянуть в убыток(зато 02 будет тянуть в прибыль) "Чистая позиция будет 0,1" - какая чистая? " ЧТо б было удвоение" - зачем удвоение если автор говорит про остановку лавины? В общем у тебя в голове играет какая-то своя опера, и чтобы понять тебя нужно угадывать что же там играет. Учись излагать мысли прозрачно. А то получается что ты сам не можешь выразить мысль нормально и поэтому других не понимаешь, оттого и злишься и переходишь на оскорбления. Кричишь лозунги против теории которую опровергнуть не можешь, но громко кричишь, поэтому собрал вокруг себя сторонников, как на демонстрации, кто громче кричит за тем и идут - стадо. дешевый самопиар.Своей головой подумать никто не хочет, только поддакивают... Человек уверенный в себе и своей правоте никогда до такого не опустится. По теме катаны - идею на заметку... Вообще для меня лавина - это такая тема - как бы академическая, начав изучать ее - научился программировать под MQL, во многом разобрался, хорошая тренировка ума. Хотя щас лавина стоит на реале, с лотом 0.01. в среднем 0.5 -1 бакс в день. Но не эффективно потому что комп ночью отключается, и потом в ручную разруливается. надо бы советника который при запуске вспоминал свои ордера и подхватывал их.

I don't know what I'm talking about, I'm just trying to get my head around it. The problem is that you can't trade for real, but you can't win for real.

You said it's not doubling. What's "it"? -- It's opening a position at exactly the same point value as the first order. Doubling usually means doubling the pip value, i.e., doubling the size of the position. This is not a doubling, as there is no increase in the volume, except for the artificial expanding of orders due to lock-in and margin increase that will lead to a faster sinking.

"If the price goes in the direction of the second" what second?(01 or 02?) - well, this is a question from the category of "katalovsky". The first order is 0.1, the second order is 0.2. If the price goes in the direction of the second order, then it means that it will go in the direction of the 0.2 order. Is it so hard to understand? I wish there was a smiley face...

"Net position will be 0.1." What's net? --- Net is the one that costs money and has a real impact on the deposit. If one order is 0.1 for buy and another one is 0.2 for sell, the net position will be 0.1. You do not know elementary things, like Katala?

Why the doubling if the author is talking about stopping the avalanche? -- Just read carefully. The author wrote that we open an order with doubling on a classic avalanche. No doubling. Avalanche stoppage has nothing to do with it.

And to understand you, you have to guess what's playing, if you've been trading the demo for a couple of days. You'll know what I'm talking about.

I'm sorry, but if you have such questions, go to a branch called "Any newbies questions not to clutter up the forum".
And I'd appreciate it if you'd take Catala with you.) No offense but you are asking stupid questions. people who have experience in real trading understand what I am writing.
d22 писал(а) >>

. we would need an advisor who would remember his orders and pick them up on startup.

In this thread there are just >5 already and the modifications are just <10