Thoughts on some of the absurdity of multi-currency analysis. - page 35


Insider information laws apply to national financial markets - stock and commodities.

FOREX is a supranational entity and is not subject to national laws

You don't consider complex schemes at all?
Do you not consider complex schemes at all?

what kind of complex schemes?

insider information laws apply to national financial markets - stock and commodities.

FOREX is a supranational entity, it is not subject to the jurisdiction of national laws

Oh, no! Whoa, whoa! There was a mention in Nidderhoffer's book of protests over the use of insider information by a number of Japanese brokers! Exactly!

Someone they protested to.


"....Bank employees drink sake in the evenings with their school buddies who now work in ministries and find out what will be announced in the morning and what they should do - buy or sell. When the poor people outside this circle demand an investigation into another leak. The central bank says no investigation is needed because leaks are ruled out...." (c)

Not all countries have laws against insider trading.

Insider law is a tricky thing to prove. And where there are no laws against insider dealing, these countries do not have much of an influence on the movement

The insider is a tricky thing to prove. And where there are no laws against insider trading, these countries do not have much influence on the movement

Are you sure? Sometimes quantity turns into quality.

You don't have to prove anything. You have to take advantage while you can. That's what they do.

Not all countries have laws against insider trading.

But the list of countries with laws against insider trading is growing.
Although you are probably right, these laws will not change anything, but will only complicate insider schemes. By the way, having an insider on the stock market can also be used on the foreign exchange market.

I analyse the behaviour (asc+bid)/2. It's easier that way. It's not quite right though.

I can only point out the path I took. There is a light at the end, that's for sure. But this road you have to go by yourself. And what you do will be yours. Maybe you'll go back to the way things were once again. But you will have a slightly different perspective on the same thing.

For hrenfx: look for the Flow Theory thread. There's a lot of maths there. It's all laid out there, but in different words and letters. I'll look it up myself to make it easier for you.

i found it has your favorite correlation equation. and the system is not just two equations but two for each currency pair + pair-pair relation equation ...

For a closed system, it seems so, but judging from the fact that the data is different for different docs, so (asc+bid)/2 is different .

maybe someone tried to find a kind of benchmark (asc+bid)/2.

a kind of benchmark of dimensionality between asc and bid.


For a closed system, it is kind of yes. But judging from the fact that the data are different for different DTs, so (asc+bid)/2 is different .

maybe someone has tried to look for a kind of benchmark (asc+bid)/2.

A peculiar benchmark of dimensionality between Ask and Bid.

the benchmark is futures, but not in the MT4/MT5 platform