Stock market puzzles :) - page 6

Mathemat >>:

Не понимаю, в чем проблема. Берем два произвольных бара (все равно каких, мы их составляем независимо) и стыкуем клоуз первого с оупеном второго. Вариантов - 12^2 = 144.

I think the problem is not to do "enumeration" but to analyse EXAMPLE what could be the options between O and H, if you know the relationship between O and L, because if you just take the number of options between four arbitrary numbers, their number will be 3 in the third, which is 81. :)

Richie >>:

Пытаюсь вас понять.

I don't want to tell you anything of the sort - to "understand", just solve the problem in your subject area. There's no hint here - it's a puzzle, but you haven't solved it. :)

SProgrammer >>:

Какая длинна у OHLC-OHLC, 8 а у OHLOHLC - 7.

S, I still don't get it. OHL(C=O)HLC, that's it. So what if it's seven numbers? Any two candles, whatever they may be, can be generated separately and independently and then connected by C=O. The topology of each bar is not affected by such a splicing in any way.

And you can do your own statistical analysis of what comes after which. You won't find any statistical advantage there.

Well you can try it if you're interested. It seems to me that two-hour bars (combining two bars) still have the same variety in types as clock bars.


Personally, I can hardly understand S-Programmer lately, and this new "homework" is out of place - both in wording and in content.

S-Programmer, you boast that you already earned a decent profit on forex - then you won't mind to send me $ 100 + on WebMoney, will you? It's a small amount for you, isn't it? After receiving it, I will be sure that I talk to a businessman, and will participate in all of your threads. I can tell you my WMZ number in a private message.

I am waiting. Alex.


:)))) All treated for paranoia.


Mate, you don't get it, so screw it... Forget it. :) ...

And that's the end of the trivial puzzle that everyone who's tried it has been unable to solve, so this conversation is no longer languid :)

SProgrammer >>:

:)))) Всем лечиться от паранойи.


Мат, не понимаешь дак и бох-ты с ним ... Забей. :) ...

На этом и закончим с банальными головоломками, которую оказалось не посилам решить всем КТО ТУТ ПРОБОВАЛ, ну вообщем беседа персестала быть томной :)


Если цена закрыти не равна цене открытия - то такие бары считается НЕВЕРНЫМЫ и они ДОЛЖНЫ быть преобразованная ( хоть первый хоть второй ) к стандартному варианту. То есть когда цена открытия равна цене закрытия. ВОПРОС - сколько теперь будет вариантов таких сдвоенных баров, так как теперь вместо OHLC-OHLC у нас есть только OHLOHLC ?

Ahhhh... Yeah, I see. I don't think I'll be seeing any money from S-Programmer. That's okay. Explain to me what you mean by:

"If the close price is not equal to the open one, such bars are considered invalid and they must be converted ( though the first and the second ones ) to a standard variant. That is when the open price equals the close price. QUESTION - how many variants of such double bars will there be now, since now instead of OHLC-OHLC we have only OHLOHLC ?"

The topic you titled ". BUREAU." Specify the strong tribe on which exchange such bars are "considered to be incorrect" ?

A bar is a graphical representation of a legal contract (and its attendant clauses). It is a criminal offence to force one contract (one bar) to be ORDERED from another contract (bar). What kind of exchange does this? Explain your words, please. Would you be so kind.

Thank you in advance.


Sorry, I couldn't resist.


I also don't understand why Close has to be Open?

xeon писал(а) >>

I also don't understand why Close has to be Open?

Because the price is inseparable. The price discontinuity is one of its illusions. If we proceed from this, the number of variations really decreases, and with the number of bars, it decreases quite a lot.

xeon >>:

я вот то-же непонимаю, почему обязательно Close должно быть равно Open ?

Illusions of the market. It shouldn't, but if you see it, it's an illusion. Do you see a chipmunk? It's not there! :)