Stock market puzzles :) - page 5


OK, let's do this :)


What variations of the relationship between the numbers are possible? ><= a total of three possibilities.

We have four digits how many relations between them - three,

It takes two bits to encode three states, but since four variants fit into two bits, let's simply denote, for example, 11 as a forbidden state.

That is, the type of bar is defined by three zones of two bits each - XX XX XX .


But the task is somewhat more than just coding a bar, we now have to consider a double bar. When the close price of the first one is EVEN the open price of the second one. If close price is not equal to open price then such bars are invalid and they MUST be converted (either first or second) to the standard variant. That is when the open price equals the close price. QUESTION - how many variants of such double bars will be available now that we have only OHLOHLC instead of OHLC-OHLC ?

Richie >>:

Вы про размер забыли совсем. Две свечи "одинаковой геометрии" могут иметь разный смысл, если они отличаются размерами.

As I said before, size doesn't matter :)


it could be simpler:

1 bit encodes the upper shadow (0 absent, 1 present)

1 bit encodes the lower shadow (0 is absent, 1 is present)

it is a little bit more complicated with the body, because there are three options (doji, black, white) and one bit is not enough, and two bits are much, but when calculating the total number of options it is not needed, you just need to multiply the number of states: 2*2*3=12

SProgrammer писал(а) >>

As I said before, size doesn't matter :)

Without coding the dimensions of the soldering iron, all this will do nothing. What matters is: dimensions + geometry.


I used to digitize candles according to the following principle: HL- we take as 100%, this is one argument.

LO is the second argument, LC is the third argument. It turns out, for example, like this: (82,23,67). You don't need to convert to 2nd or 16th system.

It is very convenient. And then we analyze.

Richie >>:

Без кодирования размеров паяльника всё это ничего не даст. Важны: размеры + геометрия.


Я раньше оцифровывал свечи по следующему принципу: HL- принимаем за 100%, это один аргумент.

LO - это второй аргумент, LC- это третий аргумент. Получается, например так: (82,23,67). В 2-ю или 16-ю системы можно не переводить.

Очень удобно. А дальше анализируем.

The challenge here is different. :))

I've explained it more than once. :)

SProgrammer >>:

Но задача несколько больше чем просто закодировать бар, теперь надо рассмотреть сдвоенный бар. Когда цена закрытия первого РАВНА цене открытия второго. Если цена закрыти не равна цене открытия - то такие бары считается НЕВЕРНЫМЫ и они ДОЛЖНЫ быть преобразованная ( хоть первый хоть второй ) к стандартному варианту. То есть когда цена открытия равна цене закрытия. ВОПРОС - сколько теперь будет вариантов таких сдвоенных баров, так как теперь вместо OHLC-OHLC у нас есть только OHLOHLC ?

I don't see what the problem is. Take two arbitrary bars (it doesn't matter which ones, we make them independently) and dock the cloze of the first with the oupen of the second. The options are 12^2 = 144.

Mathemat >>:

Вариантов - 12^2 = 144.

Fibonacci number, by the way. :)

I don't see what the problem is either. Especially with the dimensions.

12 types of bars is enough, in my opinion, to describe the market.

Size and other scales are in the realm of felt-tip pens.

Mathemat >>:

Не понимаю, в чем проблема. Берем два произвольных бара (все равно каких, мы их составляем независимо) и стыкуем клоуз первого с оупеном второго. Вариантов - 12^2 = 144.

Why is everyone so inconsiderate and judging superficially, you guys are smart.

What is the length of OHLC-OHLC, 8 and OHLOHLC, 7.

You analyze it more carefully.


And now it's time to reread the original "problem" again.

Richie >>:
SProgrammer, вы меня совсем запутали. Вы, что хотите сказать, что реально вариантов меньше 144?

So, do the math, and give the answer, as others have already done here, and you seem to be only asking for something all the time.

SProgrammer писал(а) >>

So, do the math, and give the conclusion of the answer, as others have already done here, but you seem to be only asking for something all the time.

Trying to understand you.