Stock market puzzles :) - page 4


The main types are 8.

The other countless variants where (O!=C & O!=H & O!=L & C!=H & C!=L)

Richie >>:
SProgrammer, что вы понимаете под понятием "вид"?

Same as the type of polygon - triangle, quadrilateral... I've said it before.


I've been dabbling since this morning.

poruchik писал(а) >>

He's been playing around this morning.

>> what a punk!

poruchik >>:

С утра баловался

OK, but we need to find a demonstrably correct principle for listing them. I mean, prove that there are no other options.


There are many theories about it, for example Williams' bar is divided into 3 parts and depending on where OHLC is we get 3 squared 9 options, also Bollinger's book about Bollinger Bands has classification of possible movements of 16 M and 16 W figures...

You can increase the accuracy of digitization and the number of variants will increase ))))

Everything was invented before us...

SProgrammer >>:

Ок, но надо найти доказнно верный принцип перечисления их. Ну то есть доказать что других еще вариантов нет.

Look at the third or fourth figure in our dabbler. This is the most general view of a candle. The candle is also characterised by the direction. Thus, there are variations such as:

- have/no upper shadow (2 options)

- body is/is not present (2 variants).

- lower shadow (2).

- candle up/down (2).

There are 16 options in total. There are no others. But there are some extra ones in these 16 too. For example, when there is no body, the direction of candle (up/down) is not taken into account, because it loses its meaning, and the number of variants without a body is reduced by half (there were 8).

So there are a total of 8 + 8/2 = 12 types. But this is only one classification, generally accepted.


No one would deny that a time shift of +/- 20% of the base of a candle significantly changes its appearance...

The point of these mind games, then.

Or rather vision.


Mathemat писал(а) >>

Look at the third or fourth figure in our dabbler. This is the most general type of candle. The candle is also characterised by its direction. Thus, there are variations such as:

- have/no upper shadow (2 variants)

- body is/is not present (2 variants).

- lower shadow (2)

- candlestick up/down (2).

There are 16 variants in total. There are no other ones. But there are some extra ones in these 16 too. For example, when there isn't a body the direction of candle (up/down) is not considered, i.e. it doesn't make sense, and the number of variants without a body is reduced twice (there were 8).

So there are 8 + 8/2 = 12 types in total. But this is only one classification, generally accepted.

You forgot all about size. Two candles of "same geometry" can have different meaning if they differ in size.

Richie >>:

Вы про размер забыли совсем. Две свечи "одинаковой геометрии" могут иметь разный смысл, если они отличаются размерами.


I'll second that here, too.

Size matters! ;)