Stock market puzzles :) - page 2

SProgrammer >>:

Я уже типа пришел. :)

Деньги надо зарабатывать на рынке.


А задачку то Вы похоже не решили. :)

words have power...

You write, I sort of came, and then you have to make money in the market, so while you are not making it...

SProgrammer писал(а) >>

So how many kinds of bars are there ?

9 ?

keekkenen >>:

слова имеют силу..

пишете, я типа пришел, а потом деньги надо зарабатывать на рынке, значит пока вы их не зарабатываете..

:) Describe the chain of your logical conclusions :)

TEXX >>:

9 ?

Which ones?

The algorithm?

SProgrammer писал(а) >>

Which ones?

>> what do you mean?

TEXX >>:


9 - well what is 9, list it. How did you get the number, it's just not right. :)

SProgrammer писал(а) >>

9 - well what is 9, list it. How did you get the number, it's just not right. :)

>> I know, 10!

TEXX >>:

знаю, 10 !

More. :)

Richie >>:

Уже писал. От точности вашей классификации зависит. Можно и 3 вида принять, а можно и 300.

Triangles, they are all triangles. And the difference between a quadrilateral and a triangle is that they have three angles. :) Accuracy and size have nothing to do with it.

SProgrammer писал(а) >>

More. :)

Well, the basic book says 13...

How many do you have?