[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 627


What are you, stuck? :)

Delete unnecessary posts, please.

It's a long time coming... :-) Let the man have his say... :-)

I'm sorry.


Sequence of moves, please. I found this position too, a long time ago. And how do you get it in four moves? All the attention...
The sequence of moves, please. I found this position too, a long time ago. And how do you get it in four moves? All the attention...
There's no mat!
Mathemat- I give up... I promise not to divulge the decision. You can send it to me in person... pls.
Sequence of moves, please. I found that position too, a long time ago. And how do you get it in 4 moves? All the attention...

Apologies for the joint, didn't understand what they banned me for, they didn't even let me clean up after myself......

Clicked 1-2, well, a maximum of 3 times on the Baton send. And popped out 10 times ????? myself did not understand what the hell, so now what to ban for it? And even by ipi at once ((((((((

And the move is elementary in 4 moves. I've got three pawns, pawns have the right to make the first move in one. Then a queen on the diagonal. What wasn't enough time to make 4 moves? Everything is normal.

There is no mate!

With pawns on d5 and e5 there is a mate, but no four-way sequence.


I did find a mate.

e6(e5), Ff6, F:f3+, Ce7 X


It's stupid, but it's funny.


I apologise for the mistake, I did not understand why they banned me, I was not even allowed to clean up after myself......

Clicked 1-2, well, a maximum of 3 times on the Baton send. And popped out 10 times ????? myself did not understand what the hell, so now what to ban for it? And even by ipi at once ((((((((

And the move is elementary in 4 moves. Three moves with pawns, pawns have the right to make the first move in one. Then a queen on the diagonal. What was wrong with 4 moves? Everything is normal.

Mata - no. CrH3.

To all: if your post doesn't send instantly, don't rush to repeat it, give the forum time, it's a long topic, very fun to slow down especially in chrome.

Regarding the problem, there is a solution. I'll give you a hint - black can remove (beat) white pieces during his moves, as a result the picture is not quite the same as in the original.


I apologise for the mistake, I did not understand why they banned me, I was not even allowed to clean up......

Clicked 1-2, well, a maximum of 3 times on the Baton send. And popped out 10 times ????? myself did not understand what the hell, so now what to ban for it? And even by ipi at once ((((((((

And the move is elementary in 4 moves. Three moves with pawns, pawns have the right to make the first move in one. Then a queen on the diagonal. What was wrong with 4 moves? Everything is normal.

King can't go under check on white's move 4. Sorry.

1. With pawns on d5 and e5 mate is there, but no four-way sequence.


2. I did find a mate.

e6(e5), Ff6, F:f3+, Ce7 X


Marasmus, but fun.

I see. Congratulations! :-)