[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 431

If we stipulate that the product of the conceived numbers should also be no more than 100, but more than 9, then the number of options is reduced to 138. A three-digit product would be very difficult to operate with. That's why 138 solutions of the problem is still cool, and it's not the only solution. :)

Based on these conditions, I got 2352 ways of solving a system of equations

a+c= c


Apparently the pundits were too hasty with their conclusion about the uniqueness of the solution. Here is just a piece of the alerter:

Guys, do you see what the big deal is here? It's that we can get so much information from the conversation of the wise men that we have enough to find a solution. More specifically, their dialogue allows us to cut out all the wrong solutions, leaving the ONLY right one.

Anyway, here's some simple code to display these numbers on the screen.

//| script program start function                                    |
int start(){
  int  I[5000],II[5000],S[5000],P[5000];
  int SchPar=0,SchPar2=0;
  for(int i=98;i>=2;i--){
    for(int ii=i;ii>=2;ii--){
  //числа внесены в массивы - просчитываем сумму и произведение
  for(int z=1;z<=5000;z++){
    if(I[z]>=2 && II[z]>=2 && I[z]*II[z]<100 && I[z]*II[z]>9){
      Alert("Пара чисел: ",I[z]," и ",II[z]," Их сумма = ",S[z]," Произведение = ",P[z]);
  Alert("Общее число пар чисел, сумма и произведение которых менее 100 = ",SchPar2);

Anyway, here's some simple code to display these numbers on the screen.

Why is one of the conditions I[z]*II[z]>9 ?
I mean explicitly by 2 numbers... then it will narrow down the search.
I have figured out and rigorously proved what the sums can be, if B says so. They are all odd numbers of the form 2+component that are less than 100. There are 24 such sums in the first hundred. Thinking further. Это числа 11,17,23,27,29,35,37,41,47,51,53,57,59,65,67,71,77,79,83,87,89,93,95,97.

Anyway, here's some simple code to display these numbers on the screen.

By the way, there's no mention of the fact that the product is less than a hundred in the problem ))

So now you're getting wise)


Why is I[z]*II[z]>9 one of the conditions?

Because if the product is not a two-digit number, but a one-digit one, the number of choices is so fast that the results then do not make you say, "I don't know the solution.

Because if the product is not a two-digit number, but a one-digit one, the number of variants goes through so quickly that the results then do not make you say, "I don't know the solution.

That's a bit of a mouthful, don't you think? Based on what? Calculations?

So, what do we have?

Sage A says that the product is decomposable into at least three factors greater than 1 (including, possibly, equal ones). There are exceptions, though. These are 8, 27, 125, 343 etc., i.e. the cube of a prime. Here the decomposition is singular anyway.

Sage B says that the sum of numbers is an odd number of type 2+composite - and he tells exactly that to Sage A. But he knew it before, before A. What new information does he know now?

This information is enough for A to now say he knows the numbers. What would that mean?